View Full Version : Some Gaming Info...Food for thought.

02-25-2006, 10:25 PM
I know that you guys here are mostly NovaLogic Fans and or FPS game fans of some sort. I also know that alot of you would never consider playing a game that you had to pay a subscription fee every month to play. (yet some of you may)

Albeit...I feel compelled to give you all this bit of information:

SOE (Sony Online Entertainment) plans on releasing a promotion by the end of this month or the first of the next month to allow people to:
Download the PlanetSide game for free and create and account and play for free!
The catch is, that that account will only be able to go to BR6 and CR1.
You can check the whole story out here:

PlanetSide is a MMOFPS(Massive Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter) set in a futureistic setting. Its the closest thing to actuall simmulation of a Full-Scale-All-Out-Full-Theater War that your going to log on any game and experiance. I just figured that since I got to know quite a few of you a while back while I was playing Comanche 4, that I'd fill you guys in on this free deal!

I mean, after all...its going to be free, you could at least give it a try it could'nt hurt nothing. There is nothing to lose when its free.
If you want some people to hang out with, if you do decide to try it out you can hook up with me and my buddies at:

02-26-2006, 01:00 PM
I bought PlanetSide when it was first released. It was a fun game but I sometimes found it to be a little boring maybe because I could never find where the action was cause it moved around so fast. I remember spawning and having to make my way to a transport ship and just prior to getting there it would take off without waiting for others to board. I guess unless you were in a clan you weren't getting a ride out and you were pretty much lost in a sea of empty structures.

The game I miss the most is Tribes/Tribes 2. The problem with it now is there seem to be no servers hosting the game anymore that I can find. You need an update you can't get because the update servers are non existent.

Planetside was $12 a month for an on-line account when I had it, does anyone know what it is now?

For the free download I would think it would be worth a trying PlanetSide if anyones never played it before.

02-26-2006, 06:51 PM
Yes to have a full subscription, it is about $12.99 a month still. Which is quite a bit cheaper than paying for a private clan server fee a month. Thats the main reason that I went to online games with a subscription fee. Plus they are always updating the game and fixing problems with patches that download and install thier self when you login.

This program is going to last a whole year. You can have a free account for a whole year! Of course the Idea behind this is to get you "Hooked" on PlanetSide so you'll pay the subscription fee for a full membership obviously. lol But, being free to you and not costing you anything is still worth a try nonetheless. Whether you decide to keep playing it or you don't you haven't lost anything but a little time checking it out.

That Hart Shuttle you spoke of takes off every five minutes, whether you are there or not. So, it is possible to "Just Miss It". lol I myself usually take the Mosquito Cert to get the Mosquito (a fast flying one man aircraft with a 15mm Rotary chain gun on the nose of it. That can avoid being dected by radar, and also spot ground troops by radar while flying at low level and at a reduced speed) Its basicly an anti-infantry vehicle but is pretty good at "Dog-Fighting" as well. I use it to get around real fast. It flys at over 130kph but is cost three cert points, it would be a little expensive for you at level 6.

Being low level like that and not having the right vehicle certifications can make it pretty hard to get around as fast as you might need to. A few suggestions are: Having a Mosquito cert...3 points, are having a ATV cert...1 point. The atv's all go at least 80kph being that you are only going to be able to go to level 6 will mean you will only have like 8 certs points I belive if I'm not mistaken. You'll want to have medium assualt, atv, heavy assault at least. The atv's are some pretty bad little mojo's too! I'm BR 25 now, and last night that is what I drove all night long...an atv...1 cert point. plus they are pretty fast and can get you to the battle quick, fast, and in a hurry! The timer to recert your Battle Experiance points is 6 hours...So, in essence you can try something new out every time you log on. They reduced it...it used to be you had to wait 24 hours to recert your points.

And no, you do not actually hav to be in a "Clan" to have just as good a time as people that are in a clan. You can join a squad or platoon "I.E. In game group" very easily and if you are in thier squad or platoon they will usually let you gun for them. Some people will let you gun for them whether your in their squad or platoon or outfit. In Planet Side the "Clans/Squads/Guilds" are called "Outfits". The game can be played very much solo. But if your like me you like to have people to talk to and chat with while you play. So, you might want to join an Outfit. Planet Side does have a built in voice communication program that will enable you to talk via voice communications as well. However most people still just use Teamspeak or Ventrilo since they already have a "Clan" server for it.

But, like I said if any of you want to hang out with me our my buddies our outfit is Easy Company. Just let me know and that will be perfectly fine. Our website is linked in the original post.