View Full Version : V1.5 Auto Explode

02-03-2006, 02:02 PM
Hey fellas im not sure if Inso is still allowing the AE for the 1.5 server or if he killed it I need to find it so that 1.5 can be hosted again. If any info let me know. Thanks Animal

02-03-2006, 04:31 PM
Well couldnt you just put a server up with the auto explode running and go in as 8H and see if it works or not? Or if you run the 1H server you wouldnt need auto explode. With the 1H even if someone comes in a server as 8H it still only takes 1 stinger to kill. Well if its a direct hit anyway.

02-03-2006, 04:33 PM
Yeah I know that bud but it is not for me. I gave up on trying to get mine to work. But yeah thats what I told my buddy........ get the 1.5 1h going and you will not need AE.