View Full Version : c4 newbie needs help

C4 newbie
02-01-2006, 02:59 AM
Ok I just found a copy of this game at a local store and have tried the single player and did ok, but then tried the multiplayer version and kept getting killed all the time. Did a search under the game and found this website and another video on the game at:


the game seems really cool but i do have some questions that could be anwsered please. Is this game really popular? What is saisquad? Is this an old game? where do i get more info on the game?

I have tried looking for many sites but have not found much useful info. thanks for the help in advance.



02-01-2006, 04:34 AM
Saisquad or "Silent Assault Inc" [SAI] is one of the oldest Comanche 4 squads going on right now.

Comanche 4 came out around 2000/2001 and is still pretty popular with most of our community. The majority of members on CPD are hardcore Comanche 4 fans still to this day.

Here on CPD we take great pride in maintaining a large variety of information and files related to C4, custom maps, useful programs and also a plethora of members input on Comanche 4 and other popular Novalogic games...

So I would say that if your looking for information about this game and want to learn more about it then this is a good place to start.

Welcome to the community.

02-01-2006, 04:42 AM
Hey C4 newbie, I sent you a PM on the site here. Get in touch with me and I'll help you out. You can also check out the NCS website. www.nightcrew-ncs.com There is a section in the forums with tips and tactics.