View Full Version : C4 Briefings and Campaigns
01-11-2006, 01:41 PM
Two questions:
Does anyone know how to increase the character limit on the Mission Archive "Description Window" for custom built maps? (Not the briefing you can put into a bin file for in game briefing using the F7 key)
Does anyone know how to create a Campaign with imbedded missions?
Similar to the stock Campaigns, where missions within each campaign are progressive. Once a player completes a mission within that Campaign, the next mission takes its place until all missions have been completed. Then that particular Campaign is grayed out and no longer selectable. The player must then select another Campaign from the list.
Appreciate any and all suggestions.
01-12-2006, 08:11 AM
Two questions:
Does anyone know how to increase the character limit on the Mission Archive Briefing for custom built maps? (Not the briefing you can put into a bin file for in game briefing using the F7 key)
I would guess that the exe is calling for a variable of that limited length - and therefore only a change to the exe would get this result. Like I mentioned - this is a guess and only a programmer like INSO or Avenger could answer this for sure. Maybe one of them will.
Does anyone know how to create a Campaign with imbedded missions?
Similar to the stock Campaigns, where missions within each campaign are progressive. Once a player completes a mission within that Campaign, the next mission takes its place until all missions have been completed. Then that particular Campaign is grayed out and no longer selectable. The player must then select another Campaign from the list.
This one, I'd have to guess also. Maybe saved in a cfg file or the sav file - and I think the sav file is encrypted. Being as the instructions for reading and comparing results of a query of these files would also be an executable's job - this might also have to be 'hardcoded'.
Sorry I can't help you here. Good questions though.
01-12-2006, 08:45 AM
The simple answer is they are both hard coded.
Does anyone know how to increase the character limit on the Mission Archive Briefing for custom built maps? (Not the briefing you can put into a bin file for in game briefing using the F7 key)
^^ Not Sure what the difference is between Mission Archive Briefing & Game Briefing(F7). If you are using a bin file they should be the same.
01-12-2006, 09:30 AM
I meant to say the "Mission Description" window on the right of the Mission Archives screen. I mistakenly said briefing, because that is what many of us call it. However, I will modify my initial thread to reflect the correct name of the window in question so as not to confuse the issue with the actual in game "mission breifing" called by the F7 key.
I understand that there is a difference between what can be entered (using the C4 editor) to appear on the "Mission Description" window and a "Mission Briefing" that can be added to the mission (map) using a bin file to appear when the player is actually in the game using the F7 key (Goals/Brief).
My first question is whether the limited character "Mission Description" window can be expanded to include more characters (words). The reason I ask is because when I host a game through NovaWorld, it downloads the stock mission I have selected to host online, into my PC. Later when selecting single player and mission archives, the mission (map) I hosted earlier is now visible in the Mission Archive list with the full long "Mission Description".
So, I was wondering if anyone had figured out how to extend the "Mission Description" to allow for a longer description (like those from NovaLogic).
01-12-2006, 10:30 AM
A BIN file will give you more characters (words) in the Mission Desc and well as when you press F7 for the ingame goals/briefing.
The reason I ask is because when I host a game through NovaWorld, it downloads the stock mission I have selected to host online, into my PC. Later when selecting single player and mission archives, the mission (map) I hosted earlier is now visible in the Mission Archive list with the full long "Mission Description".
When you host a game, Nova does not download to you. When you host a game, you upload the map (BMS file only)to the players that joined your server.
There is also a big difference between COOP and Single Player maps. Sometimes you will never see a difference and other times a great difference on how it operates.
When making a map available for download in COOP or SP. It's best to incude all files that pertain to the map and operation.
possible files to include::
or any other MOD/custom files...
01-12-2006, 12:19 PM
Not sure how to do the quote of part of your message in my reply, so I'll just copy and paste (if it duplicates, sorry.)
"Avenger - When you host a game, Nova does not download to you. When you host a game, you upload the map (BMS file only)to the players that joined your server."
Somehow the stock missions got into my Archive Misson list and I didn't notice them there until after I had hosted. Thought they were part of the hosting. Guess not from what you say.
I understand about putting all the files (bms,til, bin, wac, etc) in the C4 folder in order to SP (offline) or to host (online) for Coop. However, I only use the bms and til when I host or if I just want to play SP. And as far as SP's not showing up for Coop, I thought that was because they had to be built with the MP selection in the editor.
In regards to the mission description. Good mappers have told me that using the bin file only works for the in game brief, NOT the description page. I tried to put a description in the editor and was limited to number of characters (not sure of the number of characters, but about 30 words).
Hmmm MadMac, i have a BIN2TXT and the TXT2BIN, with TXT2BIN open you a C4 Bin File and Convert to a TXT File, the Mission Instruction in the TXT File Rename and Convert the File with TXT2BIN back in a new Bin File.
Example, the C4 Mission have the Name Dust you muss the Bin File under the Name Dust save, Mission name ist and the name from the bin File is Dust.bin.
I can you the Bin Tools send over E-Mail, ok?
01-12-2006, 02:27 PM
The COOP missions are simular to some of the SP missions.
Good mappers have told me that using the bin file only works for the in game brief, NOT the description page.
These good mappers have told you wrong.
01-12-2006, 03:38 PM
Thanks ZAK. I'll look for it in my email.
Avenger, I'll try and make a bin file and test the "Mission Description" - vs- in game brief and get back with you. Thanks for the info.
01-12-2006, 03:42 PM
Avenger, How about my question referring to doing a Campaign with imbedded missions? Can it be done? If so could you tell me how?
01-12-2006, 06:07 PM
yes & yes
Inso «Ð*§*§»
05-12-2006, 12:07 PM
Sorry have been here in a while, Air was right that all limits are hard coded into the c4.exe file yes the limits can be raised but in order to use them all players would require the patched exe file with the limit changed. Any user loading a map that went over any limits without the mod'ed exe, the stock exe would just ignore the additional data.
Inso «Ð*§*§»
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