View Full Version : Anti cheat info
09-08-2005, 10:33 PM
This was copied from the Nova Community Forums, since many of you play older games and can't access the Nova forums I thought it might be of interest.
Thread started by: GIA Project Lead
Like many of you, I think Joint Ops is a very good and (usually) fun game, in spite of a lot of flaws. But unfortunately, the worst flaw isn’t even a game bug. It’s the flood of cheats in the servers. Although streaming servers don’t have nearly the problem, the problem is still there none the less.
Even worse than this, is the fact that when any game is no longer updated then more and more new cheat utilities are able to get past the anti-cheat measures without being detected. I’m sure we all know how bad it got with games like Half-life and Ghost Recon and many more. The only way you can even play some of the games online now is if you have a better cheat than anyone else. Otherwise, it doesn’t much matter how good you are, you just get killed because you’re the only one in the server who doesn’t have an aimbot or wall hack or some other kind prissy arse cheat utility. Needless to say, this is precisely why I no longer play a lot of games and it is the same reason I don’t play Joint Ops as much any more. Unfortunately, it is inevitable and all games eventually go down this road.
This brings me to the point of this thread. I hate cheats and despise the cheaters that use them. But rather than whine and cry about it, I decided to see if I could do something to help the community and the honorable players reclaim the game servers and boot the cheaters. So, about 6 weeks ago, I began hashing out and designing the ultimate game security anti-cheat measure. It is called the GIA project.
GIA stands for Game Independent Anti-cheat. It isn’t so much an anti-cheat program as it is a game security package. Given the design, when GIA is set to its highest security level, it is essentially 100% secure against all forms of cheats (not including glitching). With such efficient cheat protection, GIA has the potential of making Punk Buster obsolete.
There are some minor details to work out in the high level design phase before we move on but I am very optimistic so far. GIA will be a separate program that runs independent of games. It could actually be used to protect any game and it would not interfere with other anti-cheats such as Punk Buster. It will run on both the server side and client side but does not require constant updating in order to keep up with the newest cheats. Basically, with the way GIA is designed, even if it was completed and never updated again, it would still be able to stop a cheat utility that is created years later. Because GIA has some properties of anti-virus software, firewalls, and other network and internet security packages, it has the ability to recognize that a particular program poses a security threat because it is unknown or foreign. Even, and especially, if a particular program or cheat isn’t able to be identified, GIA will still be able to catch it.
So in conclusion, I would like to get some feedback, opinions, and suggestions on this. I would especially like to find out how interested the community actually is. Because we will need some very honorable, talented, and diverse programmers, I will soon be recruiting volunteers for the project unless the community support doesn’t fair well.
I will be back in about a week or two to check the thread. I hope it stays alive and near the top.
GIA Project Lead came back and answerd some player questions later. But it's to much to post here. The thread is located in the Joint Ops: Escalation section under The Ultimate Anti Cheat Software thread.
09-08-2005, 10:46 PM
sounds ambitious but if you can pull it off you are da man reaper, you got my backing 110% if there's anything I can do email me. I have often thought that an invasive proggie would be part of the answer, along with a filter/firewall type server side portion. I stopped playing bhd a long time ago because of the aimbots, and wall hacks were one of the reasons I stopped playing bf too (aside from lack of time lol). It never ceases to amaze me that these punks want to play a game using cheats, its so lame - never knowing if they are any good or not, I could never understand it. It also amazes me that even after 4 years, c4 has only a couple of cheats, and few if any players use them - it would be so great if someone could have just fixed the 2 or 3 glitches in the game . . . but, nuf said. go for it !! I'd love to see BHD fixed, or JO. maybe JO can be saved.
good luck with this
nak aka wipersix
09-08-2005, 11:10 PM
Don't get the wrong impression, I copied and posted this to pass this along, Just thought some of you should see it.
But go see the thread there is some good Q and A about what this guy wants to do.
Anything that would cut the cheating from a game has my support. I am by no means a top player in any game. But I dont need to make myself feel better by using cheats or glitches to make myself appear better than I am. I hope the project works and look forward to seeing it in the near future.
09-09-2005, 01:27 AM
Anything that would get rid of or help to drop the number of senseless cheaters is a good thing in my book. Using hacks or cheats on servers to gain better stats and out gun other players is a nuisance and a down right shame. Obviously these people have no skills or the mentality to achieve good stats without using a hack. :brutal173.gif:
09-09-2005, 07:51 AM
I have my doubts. Anything can be bypassed. It will be like PB - streaming or not - it will keep the honest people honest.
In addition, in order to communicate that I am cheating ( hypothetical ) - it will need to access the net while looking at what I have on my computer. I don't know this guy - for all I know, he could be snagging my pw's and banking info.
09-09-2005, 08:42 AM
unfortunately, all valid points. but who knows, maybe the guy will come up with something great - stranger things have happened ! (hint for blue: don't keep your back account infor and passwords on the same machine you are gaming with !! lol )
09-09-2005, 01:46 PM
Very good point Bluetiereign.
09-09-2005, 03:54 PM
..(hint for blue: don't keep your back account infor and passwords on the same machine you are gaming with !! lol )
I have 6 different drives with 5 installs of XP (Multiboot Config) running on my machine. My 'online business' disk is locked x3 from any access. But when I look at other setups, on a majority of the computers I fix - even though the game is installed on a different drive - the info still sits there - fully accessible... that is what worries me.
09-09-2005, 07:40 PM
sounds all nice to me.
would it be capable of finding randomized md5?
would it be able to handle this bs?
i mean this s..t
if yes then i could imagine to play again jo from time to time.
i'm thinking seriously about some autokick conditions in bf2, like
kick if more than 200 pts
kick if better than 2.0 kill / death
kick if better than 2.0 score / minute
but that would only work if you have a even field of skill present on the server.
09-09-2005, 09:33 PM
sounds all nice to me.
would it be capable of finding randomized md5?
would it be able to handle this bs?
i mean this s..t
This dude is charging $20 A WEEK for 'VIP' member access to download his hacks.. . He has over a 100 VIP members at this price. So, right now, he's pulling down $8000 a month just supplying people with hacks and cheats that are supposedly invisible to PB. BTW, this is a BF2 Hack.
Well... I'd get upset if I played anymore - but truthfully... EA deserves every hack thrown at them that they get - in fact, I'll go so far as to say they are asking for them - with all the points required (ie, time required ) to unlock weapons on a game that every person pays the same price to play. Its a ****ty tactic to get people to stay on their servers and play their game.
But, back to the topic - the guy offering to make this 'anti-cheat' software is flirting with asking a price for his software. That made me think that a 'coder' might just have the perfect opportunity here to offer...
The Scam: Give every player who buys a legit install of your cheats a 'pass' to continue playing with your 'anti-cheat' software installed... while all of those who grab free 'illegal' copies of your 'cheats' get caught (as well as other hacks )... 'Mark' the players that have the anti-cheat software installed and running - and your done. Since the database that the anti-cheat software will be using for reference will be remotely accessed to prevent hacking - there would be no way (except to read the packets) to prove anything - and even then, it will likely be encrypted. A very profitable Catch22. People paying - and getting what they pay for - from both ends.
IMHO, the best thing that game companies could do for gamers... spend some serious time and money improving AI - cause unless it is a LAN game where you can actually watch what is going on - you can't trust multiplayer.
A Recon Soldier
09-09-2005, 09:56 PM
Anything that would get rid of or help to drop the number of senseless cheaters is a good thing in my book. Using hacks or cheats on servers to gain better stats and out gun other players is a nuisance and a down right shame. Obviously these people have no skills or the mentality to achieve good stats without using a hack. :brutal173.gif:
but we need the cheaters... without them.... awww screw it! get rid of every last dam* one of the little vermins! kill them all ::maniacal laughter::
:brutal173.gif: :brutal173.gif: :brutal173.gif: :help: :brutal173.gif: :brutal173.gif: :grrr: :Blasting_anim.gif: :woo3: :2gunsfiring_v1.gif:
die! :bigun2: :2ar15smilie: :snipersmilie.gif: :ar15:
Oh and by the way:
:Smile J-k: ofcourse
I would rather have them die slow painful deaths :)
Such as: :boxe:
09-10-2005, 02:37 AM
wow, thanks for the info blue.
this guy has taken a page right out of the microsoft and AT&T manual - enable spamming so then you can charge a fee to stop it.
what a scam. I can't believe people are paying to download the cheats lol.
09-10-2005, 03:28 AM
I have 6 different drives with 5 installs of XP (Multiboot Config) running on my machine....
Just out of curiosity bro, what would a person need with five installs of XP for?
09-10-2005, 05:55 AM
Just out of curiosity bro, what would a person need with five installs of XP for?
For the very reason I stated. Privacy, security and stability. If one crashes I still have a computer.
09-10-2005, 08:40 AM
This dude is charging $20 A WEEK for 'VIP' member access to download his hacks.. . He has over a 100 VIP members at this price. So, right now, he's pulling down $8000 a month just supplying people with hacks and cheats that are supposedly invisible to PB. BTW, this is a BF2 Hack.
spending 20 USD a week for spoiling my own fun?
:lolup: :rofl:
Santa AkA SoDam
09-10-2005, 01:36 PM
Hey reaper, could you put the link up for us? so we could all see 1st hand what others have said?
And :grrr: :brutal173.gif: :2gunsfiring_v1.gif: :alcoholic.gif: to all those who need to cheat!!
09-10-2005, 03:19 PM
Hey reaper, could you put the link up for us? so we could all see 1st hand what others have said?
Here ( duder.
09-10-2005, 04:23 PM
Cheats are always the number 1 issue players face in online games. Sooner or later either the bugs gets fixed or they don't. But cheats will have someone working on them as long as the game is played.
I found the thread interesting, I have no idea who this guy is ,If he is on the level or not. Maybe he is just someone that had enough. Either way this would be a ways down the road and we would see no help for the games we play now. By the time this is ready those games would be to old to really be of use. Of course there will be new games to use it on.
Enter the game companys, The only people that could really fix it are them. They design the soft where. How ever there is no reason for them to design anti cheat that is 100% effective into the game. They would lose sales and they know it. They are more worried about the software being pirated. Not that I blame them.
The old saying where it is not possible to stop all cheats is bs. The game companys could. Any program could be shut down if an out side source tried to alter it. The down side would be no mods with out being added to the game by the company. They may even have to design a new game engine that would run with out direct x and create their own graphics programming.
All would drive the cost of games way up. Many of us would pay extra for clean games even a monthly charge if you like the game enough.
There is no easy answer, Thats why many of us end up playing on a small server with some buddies we trust. Then play bigger servers knowing we will have to deal with the cheats. I will keep an eye on what is happening with this. But my opinion is if it's on the level it wont fix every cheat and be 100% effective, because the guy says some one will set access to out side programs. That alone will let cheats in.
The old saying where it is not possible to stop all cheats is bs. The game companys could..... They may even have to design a new game engine ......
In my opinion the game engine is one of the biggest problems with cheats. I can understand that a company doesn't want to have to spend the time and rescources building a new game engine for every game. But with JO and even DF Xtreme now, thats still the same core game engine that started with C4. When the game engine has been used for so long adapting cheats is easier. Reaper told me before that when JO came out the cheats started there within a week or two. With the same game engine all thats needed is to use the old cheats from BHD and adapt them to the updates in the game engine for the new game. If Nova and all other companies would change the game engines, or atleast modifiy them in a way that there is enough difference that the old cheats can't be used. True it wouldn't be an end to the cheats but it would take longer than a week or two before they flooded the servers. I'm sure the profits from the current game would justify the extra time and work needed for the next. Just depends on the game developers. Do they care about there coustomers or just the quick profit. Unfortunatly, I think we all know that answer to well.
09-10-2005, 09:24 PM
...The old saying where it is not possible to stop all cheats is bs. The game companys could. Any program could be shut down if an out side source tried to alter it.
I don't know Reaper...this is how nearly half the world is running XP ( as well as other products) - by bypassing protection that shuts down the software if certain 'requirements' are not met.
IMHO, this problem is going to be resolved by increased bandwidth and faster processing. When an .EXE and several .CONFIG checks can be run remotely - without creating lag or dragging down a server - fairness will prevail.
Until then, I'd play anybody in these forums - without worries.
09-11-2005, 02:02 AM
I don't know Reaper...this is how nearly half the world is running XP ( as well as other products) - by bypassing protection that shuts down the software if certain 'requirements' are not met.
IMHO, this problem is going to be resolved by increased bandwidth and faster processing. When an .EXE and several .CONFIG checks can be run remotely - without creating lag or dragging down a server - fairness will prevail.
Until then, I'd play anybody in these forums - without worries.
Good point, At the rate things advance that might not be as far away as players think. A few years is a long time to advance both hardware and software. I don't don't worry about playing the players that post here either.
But sooner or later there will better cheat protection than we have now. That will improve game play for all of us. :thumb:
But sooner or later there will better cheat protection than we have now. That will improve game play for all of us.
Ah yes the never ending quest to build the better mouse trap. I've seen alot of $#!? in the servers lately. I just hope the protection comes at a faster pace then the cheaters. But this is what were up against.
Looking for any private hacks for America's Army: Operations; also desperately seeking trainer/hack for multiplayer Delta Force: Black Hawk Down. Thanks!
Anyone know where I can get a multiplayer hack/trainer for this game? Need one that will at least work on public servers. Thanks.
Does anyone know where I can find one, or, at least, get an easy program for making a trainer for this game? Getting sick of all the people cheating who run around and brag how badass they are. All the trainer programs I've come across thus far are confusing as hell. Thanks in advance.
Isn't that the perfect justification for cheating. "Well everybody else is doing it. Whats wrong with me using the same thing."
And of course, sadly to say, there are those that answer those request.
I have a CLEAN version of the X-Ray hack (wallhack) for BHD that's floating around. If you want it, let me know.
It's a long hard road for anybody trying to make an anti cheat program. For every person thats trying to help the game and keep the play fair there are probably a dozen or more that are working against him. And the ones that are paying the highest price are the gamers like us that just want to go in a server and have some fun.
Was surfing a few sites and ran across this one. The web site has 6 different trainers for BHD and a few single player cheat codes(don't really care if you yourself, your life do what ya want). But this NOTE here was from the web site itself. Not just a helpful person in a post.
NOTE: Make sure to download the files (archives) below and read the instructions usually contained within them in order to successfully cheat in Delta Force: Black Hawk Down. Don't hesitate to contact us should you need any assistance with applying these cheats.
In case anybody is wondering why I keep pulling these links up in the first place. I'm working on a help and tips page for BHD. Hoping to help some players out before they get so frustrated with the game that they feel the need for using the cheats to compete.
I did find a couple good FAQ pages with actual stratagies and tips for the game. Hopefully will have something put together in the near future.
09-11-2005, 10:45 AM
Hey Rab.. when you get the site up - let me know - we'll give you a site of the week spotlight.
Hey Rab.. when you get the site up - let me know - we'll give you a site of the week spotlight.
Hey thanks. Let me see what I end up with before you go putting me in the spotlight. But when it's done it will be on Reapers Night Crew site. (shameless plug for the NCS web site)
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