View Full Version : The Piggy Bank

09-03-2005, 03:06 PM
Had someone forward a pic to me showing their piggy bank "after buying gas yesterday.."

09-04-2005, 01:10 AM
I can relate to that %100...we're at $3.49 here. I can't afford to drive to work now! :help:

09-04-2005, 06:33 AM
I can relate to that %100...we're at $3.49 here. I can't afford to drive to work now! :help:

u gotta pay for one US gallon around 7.05 USD in germany.
1 US gallon = 3.785 Liter
1 EUR = 1.3311 USD
gasoline currently at 1.40 EUR per Liter

i'd like to buy gasonile for my car at your gasoline station, hmmmmm reasonably priced.


09-05-2005, 09:10 AM
u gotta pay for one US gallon around 7.05 USD in germany.
1 US gallon = 3.785 Liter
1 EUR = 1.3311 USD
gasoline currently at 1.40 EUR per Liter

i'd like to buy gasonile for my car at your gasoline station, hmmmmm reasonably priced.


So, is this to keep cars off of your roads - or are your wages much higher than ours ? A low paying job here ( this is private sector - and probably 75% of us fit in this category) is around $9.00-$12.00 an hour.

09-06-2005, 07:03 PM
dang just think about your grits that i haul around ,,,,,,,2:75 to 3bucks a gallon and at 5 miles to the gallon in this truck of mine......... just filled up in st louis $437 bucks and that only good for about 750 miles....50% of the revenue going to fuel.....get your raises asap soon it's going to hit your pocket books at the grocery store

09-06-2005, 08:07 PM
thank God for legs...

A Recon Soldier
09-06-2005, 08:38 PM
its around almost 4.00 here. cant quite remember the price. 3 something

09-06-2005, 10:09 PM
The oil companies are soaking us. The supply lines are up and the price is still hovering a 3.00 here. It was $1.65 before all of this went down.. now crude has dropped and we still don't get a break. Its nothing more than good ol' fashioned greed.

The worst part of this... this is a time when we NEED to move things - food, water, people, building supplies, heavy equipment - and the oil companies insist on capitalizing on it.

09-06-2005, 10:11 PM

09-06-2005, 11:42 PM
Exxon/Mobil made 8 billion dollars last quarter. last quarter, thats 2.6 billion a month. The gas you are pumping into your car today was refined a year ago, yet they feel like they can raise the price based on what oil is trading for on the stock market. But when the price goes down, it takes months for them to drop the price substantially. Its just usery, plain and simple. And its obscene.

09-07-2005, 12:18 AM
The truth is we all have it hard. Its not just an American thing thats for sure. There's greed on all parts of the globe and the little guy gets the little portions. WHY? Well because...

Charger steps up to the mic and tapes on it. "Is this thing on? Can you hear me in the back? Okay he's a little song for y'all (insert your own music here)

He's the little guy
in the little house
in the little neighborhood
with his little car
and his wife and his little kids
he goes to his little job and gets little pay
and he will have a very little life
He'll pay his big taxes so that
the big people will have bigger houses
and bigger wives and bigger kids
and they will drive bigger cars cause they can afford the bigger gas...

And the president goes Whoo - whoo - whoo
don't cry little guy, don't you cry
believe me having a lot of money is no big thing
I know first hand oh little man

And the vice president goes Hooo - hooo - hooo
don't be blue little guy
just give us your money it'll be alright
I'll sleep good tonight

09-08-2005, 05:50 AM
This is what were paying in Pennsylvania...About 3.39 for regular. I wish it was 1.59! I am selling my pickup this week and going back to a car that gets 36 mi to the gallon! :(:grrr::boxe:

09-08-2005, 07:30 AM
I am selling my pickup this week and going back to a car that gets 36 mi to the gallon! :(:grrr::boxe:

Pulling the head on my Tercel as we speak - to get it back on the road. Was thinking of just towing it in to trade for a truck. Nope, don't think so. I may not be as comfortable - but it is fun watching big money shoot themselves in the foot.

09-08-2005, 02:45 PM
I hear rumor that gas prices will go down as low as 56 cents a gallon...but I'm betting that will be in the year 2056 and all cars will be electric by then.:rolleyes:

09-08-2005, 04:48 PM
For years the various provincial goverments have been talking about " HIGH SPEED ELECTRIC TRAIN SERVICE for the Windsor, Toronto, Montreal Corridor.
But it always seems to get bogged down. You know that this idea represnts COMPETION for OIL companies,and if it's one thing you can't have in North America is, you guessed it Competion. :brutal173.gif:
Now for guys guys like Hutch the pain is obviously REAL.
For comany truck drivers and the companies themselves they are somewhat
insulated from the price hike of the fuel because of long term supply contracts
for a set price during negotiation.
Last year I sold ( dumped) my 1998 F-150 truck which had a 5.4 Litre Triton
motor, glad I did before this happened.
8 Billion dollor profit, poor oil companies.
I heard that in Canada the Federal Goverment gets 170 million dollors extra in gas taxes for every 10 cent a litre increase. not bad huh.

09-08-2005, 07:04 PM
You canucks need to figure out how to make us some oil out of that sludge stash you have in the tundra up there. Supposedly you have more oil up there than the middle east.

09-09-2005, 07:52 PM
So, is this to keep cars off of your roads - or are your wages much higher than ours ? A low paying job here ( this is private sector - and probably 75% of us fit in this category) is around $9.00-$12.00 an hour.

i guess the wages are compare able here in germany to yours in north america, although i'm getting a little more than 12USD

it's that our cars take in average less than yours, highly influenced by the taxes off course - we wouldn't have to pay that much w/o taxes.