View Full Version : Online Multiplayer on a Home Network Question

08-06-2005, 05:06 PM
I have a home network (cable modem w/router) with two computers on it. My son and I would like to play games with and sometimes against each other while on the internet. We have two copies of JOTR, we can play one at a time on the internet but not at the same time or together. We can also play on the LAN with no problem. So, the question is "Can we play together over the internet from our home network"?

08-06-2005, 06:12 PM
Have you tried this utility (http://www.puffinsoft.com/) ? Other than asking your ISP for separate IP's for both computers, I don't know of anything else.

I removed your other (identical) thread. One should suffice.

08-07-2005, 01:46 AM
Hi, dcgoff Support you provider this Function with 2 PC at the same time the Internet Connection to use?
AOL Support this Function not. Telekomm, and Arcor Support with 2 PC the Online use to same Time.
Check the Offers from this other Internet suppliers, in you Land.
I going with Router in the Internet, and have not Problems with 2 PCs to Same Time into the Internet to going.

Hi, dcgoff Unterstützt dein Provider die Funktion mit 2PC zur selben Zeit die Internet verbindung zu nutzen?
AOL unterstützt das nicht, Telekom und Arcor unterstützten mit 2PCs die Online Nutzung.
Check das Angebot der anderen Anbieter in deinem Land.
Ich gehe mit Router ins Internet, und habe keine Probleme mit 2 PCs zur Gleichen zeit ins Internet zu gehen.

08-07-2005, 03:15 AM
Yes you can
You need to set a stadic ip on both computers. Then you join one on each account name. You don't need to place either machine in the dmz. You should be able to have both computers join any game you wish.
I did it when I was still playing JOTR. Seems to me I had to port forward one of the computers like I was serving.
But it was months ago and I would need to dig up the info I used. If you don't get it worked out I'll start looking.

08-07-2005, 09:54 AM
'Comanche 4', a other title of NOVALGIC does support more than one computer behind router with one global IP. they realized it through different port numbers.
i'm wondering whether it is still working on JO, i assume you already tried this one?

Doc Archer
08-09-2005, 09:03 PM
Yes, you can play "over the internet" while your both on a Lan, or one is on the LAN and the other is across town or on the other side of the world, as the case may be.

I use a Linksys BEFSR41 and have the port range forwarding page set up as follows (Note I did NOT complete the list). You must set each port range up for each computer after giving each computer a static IP in the DHCP range of your router (or turn DHCP off, but you don't have to). It should work the same for JO, but you need to get the port number(s) that game uses. Don't forget to check the Enable box at the right side or otherwise make sure each forwarding entry is enabled/active on your router if it's page is different than the linksys.

Also note that one of the computers is the "server". If you only have one computer, you just need to set up the port forwarding for it; I have a dedicated server, thus there are two LAN IPs in this example. If you both are on the LAN playing on NovaWorld or playing each other, then you need to set up port forwarding for both computers.

Clear as mud?? Hope this helps. I don't get on here often, but I'll try to answer any questions you have. ----DA

Port Range
Application Start End Protocol IP Address
TFD 1748 to 1748 BOTH
BHD 1749 to 1749 Both
DirecX 4660 to 4660 Both
DF1&2 3568 to 3568 Both
TFD 1748 to 1748 Both
etc., etc.