View Full Version : Words of wisdom

07-30-2005, 10:07 AM
Just a little something to think about when your accusing other people in the game.

07-30-2005, 10:12 AM
Hey... where'd you get a picture of me? :alcoholic.gif:

07-30-2005, 07:50 PM
Hey... where'd you get a picture of me?
Is it just me or is anybody else thinking of the term "Poster Child"

07-30-2005, 08:10 PM
I used to run a home for 'Developmentally Disabled' men. I have some good friends whose children are also challenged and participate in the games. They are the fortunate few who will never grow up and usually are found to offer you a smile.. no matter the circumstances. I've been teetering on letting this stay - as the term used in the poster is a very derogatory one.

Being as I've made my objection - I guess it will stay. But I do object. (to the term used in the poster).

Nothing to do with you RAB - the point made is valid - but only for those who argue on the net.

07-30-2005, 08:24 PM
I would like to point out, in the same non-condescending fashion, that despite the humour in your French joke, words of hate never bring people together. lead by example. We have at least one squad from France in the C4League and they are great competitors, and great sports, and although I know your joke was just that, well, you know the rest . . . Please take this in the spirit is intended, cause you guys are the best.


07-30-2005, 08:36 PM
I disagree strongly ( but refuse to argue.. :) ) with your association of the two threads nakulak. The words written were humoruous - and were NOT words of hate or name calling. The term used in this thread is a derogatory NAME for some in our society. One group here (the French) can defend themselves - one group can't.

As a people, Americans must laugh at themselves at times - or die getting over it. Should we expect that others would be incapable of the same ? If you consider what I say you will see you aren't being condescending to me - but to them.

If you object to a point made in the thread that bothers you, please feel free to do it in that thread.

08-03-2005, 08:35 PM
I used to run a home for 'Developmentally Disabled' men. I have some good friends whose children are also challenged and participate in the games. They are the fortunate few who will never grow up and usually are found to offer you a smile.. no matter the circumstances. I've been teetering on letting this stay - as the term used in the poster is a very derogatory one.

No offense intended by the post. I wasn't thinking of the handicapped and ment them no disrepect. Was only thinking of those I see in the servers that deserve the title much more than those it is normally associated with.

08-03-2005, 11:38 PM
No offense intended by the post...

None taken duder. Its all good. As I said, the point is valid..

Words and Pictures are very powerful things. Charger sometimes intimidates people here on the forums with his gruff manner. I try to tell people he's an okay dude - and really not all that bad. When I show them this picture of him at 'karaoke night' here at the office - they seem less afraid of him.


08-04-2005, 01:17 AM
As I do not take to being the brunt of your lowly sense of humor Bluetiereign I resent being called gruff, hell I don’t even know what that means…this has gone to far...I QUIT!

By the way please stop showing that picture…I was drunk! :alcoholic.gif:

08-04-2005, 04:03 AM
You cant quit, you have to be sold. :agree.gif:

08-04-2005, 12:28 PM
Oh..yeah..forgot about my "contract"! :help:

08-04-2005, 05:39 PM
You cant quit, you have to be sold. :agree.gif:

Sold... that's funny. We'd probably have to pay somebody to haul him off.

08-04-2005, 06:51 PM
HMMM How much you asking? Does he do windows, cook, clean or anything usefull? If not then I can't take him. That would be like having two of me here. :new_shocked:OMG A fate worse then death. :new_shocked:

08-04-2005, 06:57 PM
Does he do ..anything usefull?

Nope, sorry, I've never found him to be useful for anything...except :spam.gif: ing.

That's ok.. I figure if we leave him alone long enough.. maybe he'll just wander off ...

08-05-2005, 08:20 AM
You know at one time I truely believed everybody was good for something. I learned better when I told my mother I'd be good for a quarter. She said "No you'll be good for nothing. Just like your father."

08-05-2005, 12:42 PM
Blue duder, I was just kidding really, I know how much you'd miss me being around...I mean who would take out the trash and keep you informed on when your "Brides From Russia" magzine was in. It's okay duder..I'll stay.

Thanks Wildman for sending me that PM about Bluetiereign crying over me saying I was gonna quit. I didn't know he would get so emotional over it.