View Full Version : MED and Nile

05-08-2005, 03:21 AM
I’ve heard it’s possible to use Nile and the MED to make a map for Xtreme but the problem is if you start a map with MED and import to Nile to use the 3D mode, there doesn’t seem to be a way to save the alterations in Nile in order to be able to open it back up in MED, Hello, am I missing something? I’m guessing you would have to get a converter to change the npj to an mis…this is the only game in the world that I know of where you need to use several different programs just to build one map. :(

05-09-2005, 07:30 AM
I hear ya Charger.. I started to try to figure it out , then just said ___ it and used the wireframe.. :joystick.gif: I think there is a npj. to mis. converter , but like you said , pretty soon you'll have to go through about 7 different programs to get 1 map done..

05-09-2005, 02:04 PM
I like the MED and have no problems using it...like the good old dayz of C4 map making where there was no luxury of 3D anything so I guess it's all in the effort of going in to the game and looking where everything is. Probably will take less time doing that then having to convert and reconvert. :duh:

A Recon Soldier
09-09-2005, 11:07 PM
couldnt you straight out just make a nile map without even invlolving med converters, etc.?

09-23-2005, 01:05 AM
I have a Converter for the npj Files, the name is NPJ-2-MIS
You can Download here npj to mis (http://home.arcor.de/roadrunner21485/NPJ-2-MIS/npj-to%20mis.htm)