View Full Version : ran across this

03-29-2005, 03:29 PM

Joined: 9/14/2004
Posts: 111

Posted: 3/29/2005 8:27:00 AM Top of Page

You just get a message saying something simular to this:

Welcome to NOVALOGIC,

press 1 for customers services and get no answer,.

press 2 for sale enquireies we will answer this one because we want even more money.

press 3 for tech support, well you could if we had one

press 4 for distrabution and we will ship you a brand new version of the game #but you need a fast internet connection to a few hours to download a very old update

press 5 game new game development news, no need to bother on this one because we are just rehashing the old games anyways and branding them as new.

press 6 for press office and we will tell you there is no news

press 7 for the duty cleaner, this will connect you to a mobile phone because the place hasn't been cleaned for months as no one has been in the office anyways.

press 8 to be ignored totally or log onto novaworld forums and leave a message there for the same result

press 9 to hear the menu again

you have been cahrge $10 per minute for this call because we are a registered money grabbing company that has no intention of following through with updates or keeping existing customers happy!

Thank you for calling nova your call means more money in the bank for us

:znaika.gif: :2ar15smilie: :agree.gif:

03-29-2005, 04:13 PM
Trash em

03-29-2005, 04:38 PM
:cowboy: Run em over with your Rig Hutch...