View Full Version : Reaper u still here?

03-11-2005, 09:08 PM
hey Reaper,

i just noticed that u shut down your web pages.
if ur pages wont go up again, then may i put ur help files on the FWD forum in the flying tips section?
would be a shame if it's lost for all players.

enjoyed the rare moments playing with ya

03-11-2005, 09:22 PM
After The way NovaLogic has screwed up Joint Operations and moved on to the next game. I see no reason to support NovaLogic with any type of fan site. So Comanche 4 Information and the Night Crew Joint Operations sites have been removed.

Sorry for any confusion

Wow.. I hear that !

03-11-2005, 11:43 PM
With out making a big deal about this. Let me say I still support the C4 Community, the players and the people that have tried to improve C4 for all of us. I have even started playing it again.

I removed the sites because, I set the Night Crew site up as a Joint Operations Fan site. I looked forward to JOTR for so long it isn't even funny. I wont go into my opinion of what Nova did to the game, The lack of support to the map makers exept to say point blank Nova lied about mod tools and told us that we would get a new map editor, that would make it up to us. For those of you that don't make maps and don't care for coop. It may look like I over reacted. To me JOTR was Coop and running a small DM server for my squad mates. I didn't have to deal with cheaters or ass hats that way. And Novas servers all full of both. Nova took DM away with the second patch they released. Still today the map editor does not support groups, Area triggers and other options Those of us that want to build coops want to make the missions better and to save us untold hours scriping events. They have moved on to BHD for xbox and are doing a remake of DF1,DF2 on the same old tired game engine THEY USED FOR C4. To make a fast buck and that alone has reduced the support to patch JOTR in a time frame players should expect. The game has been out 6 months and is a joke, Along with the way the are using Punk buster.

As for Comanche 4 Information.
The pages need updated and some of the info is not correct. I have received emails asking if I would let others put the info up on their sites. I will make this simple. I am going to redo the site over the next few weeks. Up date the Information, Add some new maps I am building now. There just wont be any links to Nova on it. And the Night crew site will most likly look at BF2 and Ghost Recon 2 as they are released.

Any one that's want to use the info from the site is more than welcome to. That includes after the site is redone.

If you need the pages let me Know I will zip the files and place them for down load so you can take what you want off them.

Keep in mind there is no reason sites can't have the same info posted. The more places some one can access that info the better off the community will be.

With that said,
See ya in the skys.

03-11-2005, 11:55 PM
ok. if your pages up again soon, then i see no need to put your help files on the FWD forum. the link should be enough then.

03-12-2005, 12:35 AM
You know what really STINKS about this whole thing. People payed money for BETA software. A BETA Version !!! The game has been out 6 months with NO EDITOR ! And what does nova offer ? An update to repair the game they have broken ? An editor that actually works ? Hell no, an announcement they plan to rip off their constomer base - again. But this time, with the added insult of doing the ssdd up front - and right in their faces. Basically, "We are going to sell you buggy, beta software, with absolutely no support or the ability to mod. Of course, all we had to do was port graphics from DF1 and DF2 to the tired C4 engine (basically not do a **** thing ) so we are going to do this to you at the low, low price of $20.00." Nova hasn't answered a post in weeks in their own forums. Some posts indicate that the company should be held legally liable...since what they took away from what was bought (..which is probably why they are saying nothing at this point.)

There seems to be nothing anyone can do though... and Nova continues to ignore everyone - pffft...except potential customers, who will find out fast - but too late. And Nova will do it again. I cannot think of another company that I have ever known that could and would do this to people who have put food on their table over the last few years. It is a shame that a company can do this.

03-12-2005, 01:38 AM
LOL not me, not this time. They can stick Reloaded rite where the sun don't shine.

There are so many of us that have paid for more than half a dozen of there games. Their old customers are finding other games to support and spend there time making maps, utilitys and mods for. With out these people Nova would have failed years ago. Their support has always sucked. But at least up untill now many of us liked to play the games. We over looked the poor programing, unfinshed products and lack of support, because we know some one would give us a utility to manage the server, or some type of way to deal with cheaters. There would be new maps when we got tired of the old ones and needed a change. Well These people are tired of it. They see games out there with a map editor and mod tools that save them the time of creating there own. So why waist it on Novas products.

It's not going to change. If any thing expect it to get worse. Yes it can get worse Nova got away with leaving JO in shambles. No one is going to spend the money to take them to court over a 40.00 dollar game and they know it. Now they are going to take DF and resell it in a new package. The gamers will be the ones to suffer, There are very few utilitys out for JO compaired to other games. Resource sites are looking at other places to place their support. And as much as we like the old games, software advances, sooner or later you wont be able to play the old games. And just porting an old game on to a newer game engine, but still out dated today is not a good sign. Expect to see the old DF servers gone as soon as they released reloaded. Just one more way to force you to buy their product. Even with direct ip games die with out a lobby to see the other players.

On the bright side there will be other games we like just as much as the old ones. But they will look and play so much better than what we like now. Other companys will offer the extras gamers want, because they know some of those gamers will mod the game, Work on stopping cheaters. Saving them time and money they can spend else where. Look at where the Desert Combat mod has moved EA. BF2 is the most hyped game on the horizen. New game engine. The mod tools look like Some one is listing to the players. Those vehicles started as a mod, and EA saw the market it was going to give them.

Things still look bright if you want to game, LOL just not if you want to play Novas games.

03-12-2005, 09:29 AM
i do not play the games NOVA made long enough to confirm everything written here.
i bought my first game from NOVA - C4 - in summer 2003, it had a demo of DF LW and a F-16 demo on board, but both games i didn't like very much. before C4 i played a little C3 which i borrowed from a friend. in 2004 i followed the hype and viewed into the BF series - totally different, i played Falcon 4.0 from Microprose before.

JO TR and JO E compared to BF, JO has something which i can not wrap completely in words.
is it that you can change weapons and classes on a weaponbox without dieing?
is it cause you have medics and no medic-cabinets?
were it cause the zoomable sniper riffles?
is it cause you can transport vehicles on other vehicles?
to be effictive in close quarter combats haveing a gunner on board is mandatory.
the classes are really different, so that team play does pay off.

i dont say here JO series is the only real FPS, i really enjoy POE (since v0.3) and DC (0.7 and final), but when i played several hours BF then i love to play JO and vice versa.

draw backs in JO that hurt are for me:
terrible netcode, sniping with riffle, tank or greande launcher above 500m is very hard.
net code also causes bad framerates on even modern computers, i have 2,000 kbit down and 386 kbit up which should be more than enough.
many rambos out with aimbots, parker hacks and other stuff which makes you leaving the server quickly; getting killed with only one bullet in quick moved close quarters is getting annoying.
and for all ppl who played and play C4 the steering of the choppers are worthless in JO. i can do in DC with a chopper a roll - i'd like to see the face of my opponent when i do that :bump.gif: . flying the planes/choppers in DC is compared to JO just great. if NOVA would make the vehicles steering a bit more complex and difficult, then the newbies would not shoot me out the chopper on the pad; instead of it they would ask how to fly better and enjoy their ride. flying the choppers in JO still has its kick for example when flying in dense forrest between the trees and not above, but thats it nothing more.

sure i will have a view into BF2 as soon as its in the stores, but i worry to buy half a new computer to get it running smooth, what will be the BF2 package stand in my cabinet for the first half year and i'll probably play JO and DC/POE instead.

03-16-2005, 02:33 AM
Yup thats where is spend most of my time playing DCX, DC, and POE :icon_super.gif:

03-16-2005, 01:50 PM
:rofl: I made up my mind after all the crap in C4 with no help from nova they would never get any more of my money.. Myself the only way to go is EA games at this time.

Reaper ole buddy if you do get BF2 come see use our Clan will have 1 of the first servers up and running..

I said it NOVA SUCKS