View Full Version : Blackhawk down bms to mis converter by pappy

02-24-2005, 04:56 PM
I tried to use the bms to mis converter from the downloads section of this site and it could not locate any bms files in my bhd folder. I even put it in the same folder and still no bms files to convert whats up with that. What I really want to do is take some of the stock a/d or s/d maps and add enemy ai to them so me and a buddy can play each other and have the vehicles and weapons emplacements manned by the computer ai. I could make some maps myself but that would take a whole lot of time and effort. What I really want is to be able to use the terrain with all the buildings already in place. Is there any place to get the maps that have a whole city already setup so you dont have to try and place a hundred buildings and get them all at right z axis. Does the tile function include buildings or is there a utility that inserts numerous objects all at once? I can add the vehicles and give them my own waypoints and add the enplacements. But it would be great if I could just modify the stock maps. Shouldnt the converter do this for me or is it been deactivated somehow because of novalogic doesnt want anyone using their maps?

02-24-2005, 07:56 PM
you also need this tool
FWO_Raven's PFF_7 Extractor also in our dnld section for dflw this tool works w/all version's df and a few other NL games lol . just follow the instructions close, the pff extractor is used to find and extract a copy of the .bms file then the bms2mis is used to finish the conversion . this info should be included in the readme file for the .bms2mis converter . very important read all the readme file's included with these tool's follow them to the letter and word and you'll have n/p. im a ol hippy burnout and i done it lol :luxhello.gif:, but if you have any problems ask questions

02-24-2005, 09:35 PM
ok hippy who sang this............it's better to burn out , that it is to die.

cheers bro it could be worst :icon_beer.gif: you could be bald and ugly like me

02-25-2005, 03:12 PM
ok hippy who sang this............it's better to burn out , that it is to die.

cheers bro it could be worst :icon_beer.gif: you could be bald and ugly like meum um Neil um um and what was that dang horse's name lol oh yea Neil Young and Crazy Horse :lolup:

02-25-2005, 03:26 PM
Right On ........... :cowboy: