View Full Version : Comanche no longer loads XP SP2

01-03-2005, 09:36 PM
Greetings All , long time no see. Been off in BHD and Desert Combat world doin the killin. To make this short I got an IM from a bud that his C4 wasnt workin. Went through the usual un-install , delete remaining folder routine and it still doesnt load. Tried to get on myself and I couldnt get on. Went through the routine myself on my machine, still nothin. This isn't a Hardware issue AMD XP3000, 1 gig mem, 256 vid (slightly overclocked :baddevil: ), blah blah. This is a software issue. Something has goofed somewhere. Me finger is pointed at Microlimp. I run anti-virus, firewall, check for spyware regularly and come up clean all the time. The only common factors between me and me bud is XP and Symantec. Symantec hasnt reported a thing and Microlimp tells you nothin. They just re-right it and start patchin afterwards. So me main question is any other XP Home with SP2 patched peeps out thar havin the same prob and who's goin Linux with me.. :naughty.gif:

01-04-2005, 12:25 PM
Hey MadRocker:

Man I just experienced a wierd thing just now, which brought me to the forum. I can start C4, but I cant connect For online play.

I better check for spyware and stuff. I was just playing yesterday, though, so I know C4 works with Win XP and (SP2).

If there'e no problem with the Servers, I screwed up someting somewhere. Hope to see you around MadRocker.


01-04-2005, 12:33 PM
I think Nova is down.
Other games wont connect either

01-04-2005, 01:06 PM
JO doesnt work also
hope they got it fixed very soon

01-04-2005, 08:42 PM
hey rocker, good to see ya bro

I just fixed a computer for a friend and I noticed that sp2 automatically installs and enables the newer firewall built in to xp. you might have to configure/disable it. I forget the c4 ports but they are somewhere here in CPD on one of inso's posts.

anyway, hope this tidbit helps

01-04-2005, 10:35 PM
Yo Wiper Long Time No See,
Runnin seperate firewall Microlimps is disabled. I also wanna add its not a cant connect error. C4 is not loading at all. All other games run fine except C4. Other Games include BF with all mods, BFV, StarFleet Command 3, BHD with Team Sabre add-on, and the newest Soldner. I also have DF 1 and 2 with Land Warrior but not installed on that machine. C4 is not loading and I'm clueless. Been through diagnostics out the wah-zoo to see if it was my machine, but all is good. C4 will not load unless I put disk in at that moment. If disk is in and I hit shortcut on desktop I still get nothin. It's like the game isn't install but is there. Weird huh.
Oh I would like to add that when I do put disk in only screen I get is the start ,install, blah blah screen. Thats as far as it goes no options, or single play, or take the disk and use it as skeet. I'm clueless and that makes it a challenge to finger out why, but at the same time if I did recieve and install a patch that killed it who do I beech to. Microlimp? I can see them jumpin up, lol.

01-04-2005, 10:46 PM
Hey Mad if you got a super machine I think you wont be able to load C4.
I have heard that if you got a 3 gig processor the game will not work???


Santa AkA SoDam
01-05-2005, 08:53 AM
Yes its true also if you are using a P4 then you have to dissable the hyperthreading in the bios for C4 to work also check that you have the correct ammount of files in your C4 folder


hope this helps

01-05-2005, 04:28 PM
actually I have to say I am puzzled by the hyperthreading thing - I believe it may only apply to clones (non-intel) boards, but I'm just guessing.

I just built a machine with a intel865 PERL board/3.0 p4, hyper thread, 800FSB, 1 gig 400 ddr and ati 9800, and it runs c4 like a champ with hyper threading and all on. the only thing turned off was the variable fan speed control, but the active system monitoring was on. its running win2000pro tho, not xp (everyone with the hyperthreading that Ive talked to was running asus boards I think, and none of them were using win2k.)

anyway, just wanted to mention that, even though its not the issue.

mad, I did have a issue with memory errors when I was trying to overclock a machine with xp, have you tried cutting back the memory speed (latency) just for kicks ?

also , just for kicks, you might try using 800x600 res and see what happens.

good luck

01-07-2005, 11:05 AM
Well I have been having this problem since the middle of November and still no luck......... after I had rebuilt my computer the game ran for 4months with no problem. But when I tried to load it up nothing, the c4.exe would show that it was running but nothing. I could get the game to load up in the LAN but that was it very strange that it had just quit working all of the sudden.

01-10-2005, 11:16 AM
well looks like im not the only one having this problem hope someone fingers it out soon i really miss flying in C-4.. :comeandgetsome.gif:

01-14-2005, 05:49 PM
Well l have reformated my computer to and to say that I only get the sys.dump pop-up when I got to load into the game. Hope that someone can figure this problem out.

01-14-2005, 08:09 PM
hey Animal,

surely unnecessary if i ask ya whether you turned in mobo bios settings the hyper threading off. just in case you got a Pentium4 w/ hyper threading.
tried to rename the 'Msvcrt.dll' in C4-folder into 'Msvcrt.dll.old' or so, so that C4 uses the one winXP has on board?
driver, directX and that stuff?

01-14-2005, 08:13 PM
Well to say that now my c4 does work I had got a new stratup and now the game works fine. Dont know why the c4 startup had a problem not loading but it does I guess. So if you can get a new startup off a buddy it should work it worked for me. Hope to see ya all in the skies.