View Full Version : C4 Map Tips

12-20-2004, 01:00 PM
Tip 1:
File Names of your map should be at most , 11.3
That's 11 chars then a dot then bms or til or mis. Try not to use spaces.
For Example I'll often use a -(dash).

Tip 2:
Do Not Use 'Single palm tree'. It will cause a SysDump for players in your Multiplayer Games. I'm not sure which one it is yet but there is A, B, C, D for a single palm. I think it's D that's causing the SysDumps. Use Desert Palms instead.

Tip 3:
For Zone Games use KOTH Center at 120 max distance to be safe. Zones will glitch in game around 125-126-127+. KOTH Centers are tubular in the map that stretch from below ground/water and up infinite. Most zones are circlular. Use many and overlap them with no gaps. Making a KOTH with no FARP in the zone in my opinion is just not right. Making a TKOTH with no FARP in the Zone will require a lot of extra team work.

12-25-2004, 08:44 AM
Tip 4:
Here is a Zone with Cannon Tracers used as Zone Markers. You can copy and paste the koth centers in your Zone Map, then add the markers too. Setting the markers in mid air right around 70-100 above ground level seems to work pretty good. In game you will see what looks like lazer markers. You can fly thru them, but most importantly they give the players an idea as to where the zone is located on your KOTH/TKOTH map.

Tip 5:
Tiles. You could also use dark Tiles to outline a zone and lighter tiles within the zone, like in a city. But you will have to adjust some of your koth centers smaller to fit in the corners. This will give you a squared type effect of your zone.

01-13-2005, 10:54 AM
Tip 6:
The above will explain a little about setting height in an area trigger.

Some players have unlimited ceiling height for their Comanche while others hit a 1000asl limit.

I did test this out on a TKOTH map. If any players try to get into the zone that are above 2100ft/700m then the map ends with a (green wins)draw.
Using c4Med4...
I built a TKOTH map with 1 koth center @ 120dist.
I set up an area trigger just barely around the zone and gave it a number 2.
Setting elevation at 700 is the bottom of the 3d cube(area trigger). Setting hieght at 9999 is the top of the 3d cube(area trigger).
700 = 700m or 2100ft
9999 = 9999m or 29997ft

Then put in 2 events.

If Group1 is within area2
Green Wins

If Group2 is within area2
Green Wins

I did try red wins and blue wins but It will not work correctly. It's also possible that you only might need the Group1 event.