View Full Version : C4 on a Lan via Internet

12-16-2004, 12:08 AM
Is there anyway of making this game work between 2 computers over the internet? Besides NovaWorld? I have tried VPN's and GIT (which I can't seem to get to work). Frustrating that it won't work through a vpn.

12-16-2004, 12:48 AM
it works thru kali (at least it used to, havent done it in a year or so). it also works on the internet using LAN mode but only on your own subnet. Don't know about the ipx protocol, never used it.

01-01-2005, 03:03 AM
we tried kali a while back for fun took a bit to get it going but has been a while ..contact reaper die he still might know how to do it...

01-01-2005, 06:04 AM
It is possible. I have done it. One way, requires a program called IPRip and some html code for custom startup.htm. I just figured this out the other day and still working on an easy to explain it, and an easy way for everyone to have it. This will be a nice feature incase Nova takes too long when they update their servers like last time. This way we can still play by LANIP.

Here's how it works.....
As a player you have the required custom startup.htm..........
A server has to serve a game by LANIP, then Players will join the game via Novaworld, BUT the custom startup.htm will not go to Novaworld to search for a game list. It will take you to what's listed on your custom startup.htm(your-fav-c4server).

Another thought was to create a webpage at C4CFS.COM or CHECKPOINTDELTA.NET and have an C4IP Depository. This would be a place for all servers that wanted to get listed on LANIP Page. This is basicly what Novaworld does but with more server information on their default game list startup.htm page.

I know zer0 about LANIPX.

I'm working on a Startup.htm for C4 that will include these options:login to nova, nova lobby, Instructions for IPRip,Custom IP Startup.htm. I'm trying to package it smoothe and easy for everyone.

01-15-2005, 10:22 AM
Anyone wanna try this and let me know??
C4IP in the downloads sections at C4CFS.COM
It will overwrite your startup.htm so make a backup.

01-16-2005, 12:38 AM
Are you beta testing this now Avenger ? Just out of curiousity, what are the requirements for this and what are the advantages ?

01-16-2005, 11:22 AM
I updated this yesterday after testing with a few people.
The Advantages are:
1. Your original startup.htm is Nova dependant for a LogIn & Game List. In case Nova is down you will have 2 other options on the new startup.htm.
2. The 4 Options for the new Startup.htm.
Login to Nova, Bypass Login goto Nova Lobby, Join by IP, Join by IP Instructions.
3. If Nova is down for updating or what ever reason this will give the option to join a Join by IP/LANIP server. OR if someone wants to have a private LANIP game(squad practice/match) it will not be listed on the Nova Game List. A LANIP server is a basicly an IP address server that is not listed on Nova Game List.
Requirements: C4IP & IPRipper are 2 seperate downloads. Download C4IP at C4CFS.COM. Install C4IP first. Then. IPRip/IPRipper is required for Join by IP. You can find here at CPD in the Downloads section. Place the IpRip.exe in the C4IP folder.

FYI SideNotes:
As near as I can tell 'Come and Get It' is a Nova Game Server. All other servers listed on the Nova Game List are NovaWorld Public Servers with or without passwords. Nova has Nothing to do with any Lag on any NovaWorld Public Servers except 'Come and Get It'. The Game List is only a Listing and Link TO a NovaWorld Public Server.
A LANIP server is not a listed NovaWorld Public Server on the Nova Game List. Someone has to serve a LANIP and give out their IP address/passwords for anyone else to join their LANIP.

This is how C4IP is structured..
Your Comanche 4 folder
---------- STARTUP.HTM
------------- C4IP folder
------------- IPRip-Instructions.htm
------------- Rip.exe
------------- Startup.htm

01-16-2005, 11:25 AM
sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet the advantage is that if nova ever stops supporting the game (well, lets see . . . to be specific, I think by "support" I mean:
1) keeping the 286 game lobby server up,
2) keeping up the 2 year old list of squads and not allowing any updates
3) making sure emails for support get deleted before someone accidently responds to them
(did I cover everything ? LOL)

then players can still play it !!!!! yeeeeehaw thanks avenger ! (personally I could never get kali to work properly anyway cause I didn't want to put all their crap on my machine)

01-20-2005, 05:48 AM
I would like to add a Warning here!
I sometime ago set up a new user called Widowmaker on my PC especially for C4 games and I think (but can't be sure) that this contributed to my PC Crash.
This new user was set up to use a specific LAN address, and it had its own modem etc. The problem, as far as can see, was that IrDA devices were interfering with the connection.
I have had to rebuild my PC after the severe crash as it literally burnt out my motherboard, it has taken me 2 months to get everything back in order and It is still not right.

But please, don't let me prevent anyone settring up their own LAN Party!
I, for one, would be willing to join.
'av a nice 'un

01-21-2005, 10:34 AM
AH, now I see the problem you had. the M word . LOL collect all those modems and burn them !!!! (unless they are cable modems or dsl modems)

01-21-2005, 01:17 PM
All CFS members had used this IP Login new utility with great success, no issues, dumps, just normal lag(same as using the Nova game page) due to internet traffic, etc. Avengers hard work has made C4 available as long as there are pilots willing to fly, regardless of Nova's support with the Nova server page. Great job Avenger! Another fine C4GET enhancment for the good of the community! C4 forever! :099.gif: