View Full Version : RE: VLoading

12-12-2004, 12:26 PM
Hey Guys...
I am having a problem with something called <VLoading-Online Dialer>
Which Dials an 0910 No. and uses your e-mail info to access porn sites
I have found out that its origin is Germany (apologies to my German friends) but is used primarilary by Arabs. This is why you may be getting Arabic Writings on your PC, Kill_Me. This is a very very persistant "application" and if you delete it, within 1 minute it can return. I have done extensive searches regarding this but have drawn a blank on how to block it.
Does anyone have any helpful info on this crap!?

12-12-2004, 12:56 PM
dialer usually doesnt work with either dsl or cable. so the best advice i can give you is to get either dsl or cable.
german law says that if a dialer dials with your computer the number and you did not wanted it and especially didnt used the dialer specific connection ie special access to services then you do NOT have to pay for it.
we have in germany now special restrictions, a dialer has to be certified and has to folow special rules otherwise its forbidden.

12-12-2004, 01:10 PM
What version of windows are you running and have you tryed uninstalling it if it shows up in add/remove in options?

Try this (http://www.spywareguide.com/product_show.php?id=411)

12-12-2004, 01:26 PM
As is stand at the mo I don't haveto pay any exra cos of my present contract which is a set rate, I know the German laws are different and in the UK there is NO RESTRICTION on these no's.
I have had my hard drive reformatted about 2 weeks ago, but it is still there. It seems to update itself every time I logon to my ISP'
it is SOO frustrating.

12-12-2004, 04:22 PM
Get HijackThis (http://www.spychecker.com/program/hijackthis.html). Delete EVERYTHING it finds. You can setup what you want to work again later. It was the only thing I could find that took care of this problem when I got it.

12-12-2004, 05:59 PM
rgr that. also, at symantec you can find tools to remove almost all trojans and worms (if that's what the dialer is). the lavasoft adware remover (free) at lavasoft removes most spyware, but I'm not familiar with that one (as to whether its spware or a trojan)

12-13-2004, 01:47 AM
Rgr That, the only thing I can find to 'remove' it is AOL's Spyware protection, Is there any way of blocking these "things" before they do the damage.
My PC is going haywire = it boots up on its own = it goes into my ISP on its own, the only thing that stops that is a password. and whilst im using it all sorts of things happen = even in C4.
Anyway if I don't 'see' you all have a Great Christmas and an even better New Year.

12-13-2004, 05:36 PM
once some of those viruses are in your system you are in deep. I just cleaned 3 friends machines and after using 4 different spyware removers and 3 antivirus programs I couldnt get the stuff off even after cleaning them in safe mode, manually deleting some of the registry and startup files multiple times. the only solution was formatting the disk and starting over. you need 1) a halfway decent firewall 2) a virus program that scans all your emails and downloads, and 3) regular spyware scanning. I don't know what's best , but I use these three:
www.agnitum.com outpost firewall (free version)
www.grisoft.com avg antivirus (free)
www.lavasoft.com adaware (free)
Ive been using outpost and avg for a couple years now with no intrusions. when I browse to dubious sites, I also use ghostsurf (30 bucks at bestbuy). hope that helps

(for what its worth, outpost is also open source, and you can download an ipblocker called blockpost (do a websearch). I regularly scan my logs for intrusion attempts and permanently block scripters, which helps too. and I leave outpost running with no noticable detriment to c4 server or client)

12-14-2004, 03:41 PM
Thanx for that Wiper...
Can you tell me how a LAN connection is possible when there's no physical connection between computer and modem? :duh:

12-14-2004, 04:00 PM
I had same problem , was told to purchase the StopZilla program , at the time it was 20$ .. It self updates itself , and is an easy program to install and use... I've had it for 2 years and have not had a popup or any other problems since.. Hope you find something that works.. I know it is annoying..

12-20-2004, 12:03 PM
Hey Guys...
My PC has totally failed now, I am presently in the process of rebuilding it with a new Motherboard, Grafix Card And Sound Card
The information I have about this VLoading for anyone who encounters the same problems in the future is:-
I first picked up this Vloading 'thingy' about 6 months ago. It seems to have been applied via a 'IrDA mobile phone' as the place I live is in an apartment and My PC room is directly above a "tunnel" leading to the apartments car park & we get kids hiding in this tunnel at all times of the day & night.
VLoading is the application that installs the "Online Diallers" once VLoading is on your PC it is impossible to get rid of but you can delete the online diallers.
The situation I had was that this application was putting an Administrator Status User (password protected) onto my PC even in safe mode. So I have had a hell of a time with it!
The way I picked up the alert for this was thru 'SpySweeper' this in itself would not get rid of it but the 'Spyware Protection' issued by AOL did get rid of it.
I am also Changing My ISP to 'British Telecom' (BT) as I have had it with 'America Online' (AOL) [The originators of Spam!]
At the moment I and my home are Going thru Changes so I may not be around on C4 for a while!
If I dont see you all - Have A Great Christmas - and i'll say 'HOO-AH'
Take care guys see you soon.
PS. This is not my last will and testiment......LOL