View Full Version : Pussycat.

11-05-2002, 02:37 AM
After school one day Todd, an eager second-grader, came up to his Mother and asked, Mom, what's a kitty?
Somewhat startled by the question, but directing her answer away from the adult definition, the mother replied, Son, sometimes people say the word kitty, for short, when they really mean pussycat. You know like Boots, the cat that lives next door. Boots could be called a pussy or better yet, pussycat.
That didn't compute with what Todd heard on the playground that day, but he continued....

Mom, what is a witch?
She pursued her puritanical theme by answering, Todd, an adult female dog is commonly referred to as a bitch. But Son, where did you hear such words?
From the fourth-graders on the playground, he replied.
I think you should play with your second-grade friends and stay away from those fourth-graders, the mother stated.
Later, Todd found his Dad working in the garage. He went up to his Dad and asked, Dad, what's a kitty?
His Dad contemplated how he should answer this delicate question. Then resolving that an honest question deserves and honest answer, he reached up on the top shelf of his tool bench and took down a copy of a Playboy magazine. He pulled out the centrefold and laid it on the workbench. With a felt-tip pen his Dad drew a very tight circle around the vulva of the nude playmate-of-the- month. Pointing to the centrefold and looking his son square in the eye, the Dad said, Todd, Son, everything inside that little circle is called a kitty!

WOW," said Todd as his eyes bugged at the small circle. Now that made more sense about what he heard on the playground that day.

He then asked his Dad, what's a witch?
Well, Son… a witch is everything outside that circle.

:spam.gif: srry bro funny joke but needed to clean her up bit

[Edited on 11/6/02 by Edward]

11-05-2002, 06:13 AM
:D very good Anthony save me postin on them all, all jokes you posted lately made me laugh, keep em coming:lol4::thumb:

11-05-2002, 08:36 AM
Originally posted by U.J.J.
:D very good Anthony save me postin on them all, all jokes you posted lately made me laugh, keep em coming:lol4::thumb:

thanks U.J.J. , but it was Hutch that sent them to me... unfortunately he is too much of a "kitty" to post them here.


oops please younger kids may be viewing the forums thx for your consideration

[Edited on 11/6/02 by Edward]

11-05-2002, 10:35 AM
:roll: that was great.

11-05-2002, 03:52 PM

11-05-2002, 05:54 PM


I just dont post bashing jokes

:P but they are funny...LOL please refer to the rules when you signed up and refrain from any vulgar language . as for younger kids might be viewing this forum also thx for your consideration

[Edited on 11/6/02 by Edward]

[Edited on 11/6/02 by Edward]