View Full Version : Joint Op's Map Making Contest

10-27-2004, 01:41 PM
<img src="http://www.typhoon-rising.com/images/news/ContestLogo_small.jpg" />

Typhoon-Rising.com is calling on all map makers in the Joint Operations community to dust off Nile and start making maps! Novalogic has provided us with great prizes for 5 lucky winners who can make the best maps for Joint Operations. These prizes highlight the cool new vehicles that will be part of the Joint Operations Escalation expansion.

The top maps will be put together into a brand new Typhoon-Rising.com map pack available after the contest is over.

All maps must follow the contest theme "Conflicts Of The Past". All maps entered should be in the spirit of famous battles from the past: The storming of the beaches in Normandy, The famous last stand from the movie Zulu etc, all recreated using the weapons of modern warfare. You can base your map off real famous battles or fictional battles from the movies.

Visit our <a href="http://www.typhoon-rising.com/index.php?module=htmlpages&func=display&pid=36"target="_blank">official contest page</a> for more details and the rules and regulations.

10-28-2004, 01:41 AM
ill lov to do that but i dot know how to use Nile:traurig310.gif: i whish nova make it like BHD med!!! i like it!! Nile sucks.......:stupid2:

10-28-2004, 07:27 AM
small tutorial here




10-28-2004, 02:24 PM
ah!! ty chad!!! whan is the do date?!?!?!

10-28-2004, 02:49 PM
nile isnt all that different then the other df med's , if you understand the bhd med then nile will be n/p . best thing to do is install nile update it then w/nile open open the help file it will walk ya through the basic process of mapn w/nile .

nile is still in beta form and some thing's dont work yet like most of the event's and command's for coop/sp map's . but nile is great for doing any other kinda map chad's 2nd link for the tutorial here i got from NL forum and was compiled by the ppl makeing the nile . nile 3 d mode will allow you to look over placement of objects on map w/out saveing map to check it in gm .

10-29-2004, 12:37 PM
I‘m guessing this contest doesn't include coop maps considering coop does not work in multiplayer and some of the key functions are still yet to be seen.

10-29-2004, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by Charger
I?m guessing this contest doesn't include coop maps considering coop does not work in multiplayer and some of the key functions are still yet to be seen. i dont see why not a_bullet's med can do coop and jo will allways allow the code for .bms file i thouht i seen a npj2bms converter i'll look .