View Full Version : Hp+fastmem..patch..!?

09-27-2004, 10:20 PM

originaly i changed my memory speed from dual 800mhz to 400
and it seemed to help...did not dump for a while...
but its happening again...so i think its just fast machine problem..

Only way to deal with this is to have NovaLogic make patch...
that will fix ...HYPERTHREADING and FAST MEMORY...access

dont know why they did not do it already...game was made 2002
machines have changed..and WinXP has Sp1 and Sp2 out..

just for haveing good gaming machine..we should not be left out..
they dont have any patches at all...??

if ID Software was this lax no one would play Quake and Doom..!

IF YOU AGREE THAT WE DO NEED PATCH...respond to this thread.!

09-27-2004, 10:48 PM
true C4 should be updated but i belive they have abonded C4 F22L3 armoured fist 3 . the new game is joint op's and the expansion pk to be released soon will have apache attack helo's and tank's . to be honest when the us army droped the comanche program so did NL :(

10-12-2004, 04:00 AM
Damm right, I have XP Pro with SP2 and if I do not have enough trouble , hell. I want to be able to get patches and buff my game up