View Full Version : Report All C4Get Player Manager Problems Here

09-25-2004, 06:55 PM
Have an issue or question concerning the C4Get Player Manager ? Please report them here.

The Makers of this program have given their time and efforts to provide the community with this utility. Please be respectful and informative ( Operating System..Computer Setup..etc..).

09-26-2004, 08:05 AM
just installed it and it wont start giving me this errormessage:

Run-time error '429':
ActiveX component can't create object

using winxp (german or european version) SP1 with latest patches
directX 9b
do not have the 'Microsoft .NET Framework Version 1.1' installed

09-26-2004, 08:58 AM
I had the same issue, run your Windows update, download the .Net Framework from Windows, and reboot. Or you can go here : Microsoft .Net site (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=262d25e3-f589-4842-8157-034d1e7cf3a3&displaylang=en)

09-26-2004, 11:54 AM
same with installed .NET framework 1.1 with SP1
other hints?

09-26-2004, 12:44 PM
Hey Kill_me :1drink.gif:
You should have the Windows SP2 by now (maybe thats your problem) check the Windows site! :cool:

09-26-2004, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by Widowmaker
Hey Kill_me :1drink.gif:
You should have the Windows SP2 by now (maybe thats your problem) check the Windows site! :cool: better be real careful w/w-xp s-p2 it has caused alot of problem's w/many puter's . personally i wouldnt do the sp2 , my wife did and her puter kept rebooting itself .

09-26-2004, 11:10 PM
I'm Afraid that Service Pack 2 is an absolute neccesary to let Windows operate normally.

09-26-2004, 11:54 PM
Hiya Blue....
This looks to be a cool application - Its just that after downloading it and saving it to 'my documents' then unziping it and I am left with a document called
< c4getpmv20setup >
but I dont know how to install this 'setup' there are no instructions unless (I guess) you run it.
I have tried to install it using the Windows XP Install Wizard. first this gives a warning that its not a 'Microsoft Application' but lets you continue if you wish. when the Install Wizard is finished it says that the application has been installed to....
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curr ent Version\Application Paths\Player-Managerv20.exe
And from there on It says to choose a folder where your c4.exe is located and Install. This is when I get my problem! If I select The location In 'Program Files\.....etc.' I get an error message saying that this particular file does not include my c4.exe file and that I must use that to let the application run. But If its not there, then where is it and if it is not there how does my 'c4' run in the first place?
:stupid2: D'oh
I am totaly confused can someone please help?

09-27-2004, 12:40 AM
I thoroughly tested this program - with Avenger even putting off the release for nearly a month because of installation problems.

All of what you describe - I experienced in my install - except not 'seeing' my C4.exe. The notification of the writing to your registry is a 'polite gesture' as far as I can tell... and not a necessity. I'm guessing that you made it all the way to your 'Program Files\Novalogic\Comanche4' folder and 'double clicked' into that folder - not just highlighting it ? That may be your problem.

As far as SP2. I cannot install it. It crashes my Home Networking and support is not yet there to use it and get it up running. I'm really losing any respect for Microsoft and their pushing this update so forcefully on us ( the consumer ). I was really liking XP up to this point - and the option to accept an update or not. This update is not offering that choice.

You get what you pay for, as the saying goes... but as with everything else - it works both ways. There are now SP2 releases being offered that are 'trimmed down versions' of SP2 on P2P networks.

Anyhoo... hope this helps..

09-27-2004, 02:26 AM
Thanx for that info Blue...
I agree with yo about Microsoft, no wonder Bill Gates is the richest man on the planet, I lost respect for M/S years ago. I have been advised to use either-Linux or Opera-maybe I should! But I hate changes. But then again M/S is always making changes. You can't win-can you?
Anyway ennuff of my groaning, I did actually select the C4 folder, I will try to just hilite it!
Kool Blue...

09-27-2004, 05:00 AM
ent Version\Application Paths\Player-Managerv20.exe

Added to the Registry Message is an information gesture. But it is needed in the registry for the Player-Manager to operate.

C:\Program Files\NovaLogic\Comanche 4
This is where my Comanche 4 folder is.

09-30-2004, 08:30 AM
First of all I installed Playermanger and throughly enjoy the work Avenger has done with this program,WAY KOOL.after a couple of days I started to have problem,C4 wouldn't load and I was getting microsoft error windows,( should have recorded the data).
It more or less stated that the C4 .exe wouldn't load.So i had to uninstalled player manger and C4.Than i just installed C4 only.
Than spidey had the same error window too after a couple of days.He tried to replace the C4.exe with another copy(no good)
We both have barton AMD chips, possible connection??The
other guys in our sqad have intel P # 4 chips, so far they have had no problems.

I have re-installed player manger and this time I will properly
record this error report.:P :1drink.gif: :bouncing:

note; I'am using Sp # 1( tried Sp #2 but that's a different story
which isn't related to this)

09-30-2004, 10:13 AM

I hate to hear of problems but I'll try to get to the bottom of any errors that come up.
I'm currently running AMD Athlon XP 2000+.
The same problem has been reported with OUT the Player-Manager on a PIII. What I do is when my C4 is running good, I copy the Comanche 4 folder and name the new folder Comanche 4GOOD. If Comanche 4 will not start for some reason, I copy the Good files to the bad folder. This fixes it everytime so far. This happens to me about every 6 weeks and I yet to figure out as to why or what changes, it almost seems random...

Making a backup copy of sysdump.bin and replacing that file if C4 crashes. I've noticed that on certain C4 crashes that a fresh good working sysdump.bin file may be a fix.... I've also tried this; deleted sysdump.txt & sysdump.bin and C4 works again. I still a little stumped on the sysdump files. lol

09-30-2004, 10:24 AM
Nice to hear I'm not the only one with problems. I am running an Athlon AMD 2600+ And the C4GET Manager has never run smoothly since the download. I am impressed by this application and would luv to know how do make something similar.
I am an Engineer by trade and its known that engineers are only limited by their imagination.
Avenger can you tell me, should I re-download or install from my original .zip file?

have a nice day! :dance:

09-30-2004, 03:08 PM
I always redownload, to make sure of the latest file.

10-01-2004, 03:41 PM
I have no problems so far with PM, it seems to run smooth on windows 98 and 98SE, i have both on 2 pc's, i wonder if the errors are related to XP only and have no buisness on 98???
either way the PM runs great on 98 and Second edition

PC1 Specs:
AMD Athlon XP 1800+
640MB DDR 2100-512+128
Geforce 4 MX 440-SE 192MB DDR
ECS Elitegroup K7S5A-PRO Motherboard V2.3
Windows 98-SE+.net framework+IE6
C4 V1.0.1.20-Fixed exe

PC2 Specs:
AMD Duron 1200
128MB DDR 2100
Geforce 2 MX 400 96MB DDR
ECS Elitegroup K7S5A Motherboard V1.0
Windows 98+.net framework+IE6
C4 V1.0.1.20-fixed exe

10-04-2004, 03:16 PM
hey Edward.

the prob with your wifes computer: did you checked following yet?

Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 885626
Your computer stops responding when you restart to complete the installation of Windows XP Service Pack 2

i wont install sp2 except there is a real good reason to do so.

10-04-2004, 03:43 PM
:thumb: I have now re-downloaded the C4GET Player Manager and I had the same problems as before, but I have found that after you download it, uninstall your Comanche 4 completly, then re-install it, that seems to clear any bugs. :thumb:
I have done this and had no problems since. :cool:

Per Ardua Ad Astra = Thru Difficulties to the Stars
Avenger is a Star

PS Hey Blue...
How do I change my Sig to the new one? :stupid2:

10-04-2004, 04:34 PM
That looks changed to me bud. :)

10-04-2004, 05:59 PM
This is my E-mail Address, If you send me yours I can show you!?click here (pthwlls@aol.com)
Also there's a line just above my Sig....How do I get rid of it or how do I extend it all the way (sorry but I'm a perfectionist LOL)

Santa AkA SoDam
12-04-2004, 08:51 AM
Ok guys this is what i do

I make every thing read only in the C4 folder but not the C4 folder itself other wise screen shots would not work!!

If i need to make a change to the config file then i make all the files in the c4 folder read and wright (just temporally) so the changes can be saved and then wright proctet tham again!!

its a verry verry simple soloution that works well for me!!

Hope this idea helps

I concider myself to be a newbee to computers and also the game, but since wite protecting the C4 files i have not had a problem what soever :stupid2:

12-06-2004, 02:34 PM
Hello Guys.
I have now downloaded a new version of the C4Get. I still have problms. Firstly my C4 game seems to be intsalled into the Logitech Profiler. If I run C4 without the profiler-ie: put the disc in then let it autorun, it brings up the autorun screen and according to that it is not installed. But if I select it via the profiler it will run D'oh ! I have tried to uninstall C4 altogether but when I do, Windows tells me that the Uninstallation is impossible because its corrupted, so it seems to be a Catch 22 situation!
Also I am using a Belkin wireless keyboard and mouse, I have removed the mouse and am using my emergency one (really cheap) and before all this hacking they worked well, now I get a really jerky effect (no puns plze) and it sometimes misses a letter when typing. I have a feeling this has something to do with it.
Anyone any idea's? :traurig310.gif:

Santa AkA SoDam
12-06-2004, 06:15 PM
Hello widowmaker just 1 queston have you tried uninstalling the joystick software and then installing C4?
This should force C4 into its own folder and not the js profiler folder! simply because it wont exsist!! If this works then you can reinstall the js software!!
It sounds as though your PC it trying to put every thing game related in to the same folder!!


12-06-2004, 11:17 PM
Hey Santa,
Ive just uninstalled the J/S Profiler. And the tried to uninstall C4.
It still tells me that C4 is Corrupted. I have the option of installing it again, but I don't really want to use that much memory, having two! If I don't use autorun now I have no way of opening C4, SNAFU
Thanx anyway!

Santa AkA SoDam
12-07-2004, 05:47 AM
Hi again Widowmaker
dont try to uninstall C4, if C4 is corrupted, simply enter the CD rom and it will repair C4 by wrighting over the existing C4 files there is no way in heaven you will end up with 2 installations of C4, PC's are a bit clever that way, because it all ends up in the same C4 folder. (unless of corse you have chosen for it to be installed some where else) the C4 files shoud apper where watchtower has said!!

The version of C4 on your CD rom is the version with out up dates, so when you have ither installed or repaird C4 you will then have to update it as nessary.

I realise this whole process can be a pain but im verry happy to talk you through it on YIM you can email me for my YIM id by clicking on the email link box below!! it would be faster that way rather than typing via thease forums.

I have the knowhow to really help you (i think) lol

Buy the way where do i get those funky signitures from?