View Full Version : C4 Get Player Manager V. Released !!

09-25-2004, 05:05 PM

Have you ever wished for an ingame timer in C4 ? A different HUD color ? Have you forgotten your game password - midgame ? Wanted quick access to your game macros or C4.CFG ? These are just some of the 'goodies' contained in this nice program from Avenger and the rest of the C4 Game Enhancement Team. A full listing of the features:

-KeyBoard Macros Editing.
-Read and Edit the C4.CFG file.
-Custom StartUp.htm.
-Custom Hud Colors.
-View Scores.txt.
-Delete SysDump.txt
-Open/Close Comanche4 - with custom options.
-Game and Squad Password Changing - whether playing or not.
-Game Timer.

This version is only compatible with version - also available here for download. Complete program with a compiled help file.

Download It Here. (http://www.checkpointdelta.net/cgi-bin/db.cgi?db=file&uid=default&Game=C4&view_records=1&sb=1&so=ascend&ID=*&mh=100)

09-26-2004, 07:37 AM
hey BT,

would you please post a link to this thread in
Comanche 4 Discussion
usually i only look in the C4 and JO forums when i visit CPD.


09-26-2004, 01:25 PM
G'day Guys :cool:
I am interested in this GET application. But I am running out of disk space on my C: Drive! Can you let me know how much space it takes up?

09-26-2004, 05:27 PM
under 6MB to download.
under 6MB after set up is complete.