View Full Version : new BHD maps

11-01-2002, 06:11 AM
comeing soon bhd maps by me lol yes thats right i have changed the 3 stock maps to my way . i hosted last night had full server and no1 complained about laggggg or frame rate loss . ss of 2 of the maps to follow soon as they r/up loaded lol 3rd map is surprise lmao :luxhello.gif:

as promissed

1st map is tdmm_01a name is Shim Sham

2nd map is tdmm_01c name is Aracnid
2nd map will have better ss posted later tonight which show the bldg's reflecting off the water looks wicked lol :agree.gif: :icon_super.gif:

[Edited on 11/3/02 by Edward]

11-03-2002, 11:41 PM
if they are the ones i think they are . they are sweet specialy the reflection one thats a tough map

11-04-2002, 02:17 AM
Originally posted by wildman2
if they are the ones i think they are . they are sweet specialy the reflection one thats a tough map yes that night map is sweet on the puter i built map on i couldnt see the reflection in water this puter is {666p3 330 meg ram and gforce 4 mx440 , puter i seen tthe reflection on and water ripple is 866p3 512 pc 133 ram and gforce4 mx400 lol} i like the hunter feeling it gives when playn map

11-04-2002, 02:29 AM
I got blasted more than once in that map and didnt have a clue where it was coming from.
finaly, had to wait untill someone got killed,to trainlate the fire,then i'd move closer to that position to try and see if i could catch a glimps of the shooter.That is a **** good map dude..if i may say so myself.. real tough.
I seen it just fine on my pc 1.2 t bird 1.5 gig 133 ram g-force 2 mx 440
I'll say it again it is sweet.

[Edited on 11-4-2002 by wildman2]