View Full Version : C4-server behind router
09-06-2004, 12:46 PM
hi, think the prob was discussed more than one time but even if i make it as described it wont work.
the situation is as follows:
a C4-server behind a DSL-router(with built in modem and switch or hub) D-LINK DSL-564T.
to start the server is possible and the server is visible, but i can not join it with my other computer behind the same router and it isnt joinable for all others going over the internet to that server as well.
i tried DMZ, port-forwarding, firewall on router and on server on and off and all that stuff, but i do not get it to work, so that it is joinable. the ip (for the internet) is dynamically given by the isp every time the router establishes a connection; i think the timeout is not set too low.
hope someone has a hint for me that enlightens me a bit.
next prob will be then, how to administrate the machine and C4-server through the router from the internet.
thanks in advance
09-06-2004, 01:05 PM
Yep, I have a similar problem with a Linksys Router model befw11s4 B band, I cant host behind it, but if I go straight to the modem, no problem hosting, of course then I cant join from another PC. I read the post here a while back about config. the router, but it didnt work for me. Im not sure how to open the port for C4 in the router. If anybody has any ideas...
09-06-2004, 04:43 PM
In order to play a game on the same network you are hosting from you have to play LAN or IPX works as well.
IPX play is fairer for all playing because IPX move the packets at the same pace as the internet packets are moving.
I hope this helps.
~ÅÞ§~ C.O. ²
Admin Officer
Tactical & Technical Officer
C4 Team Leader
C4L Contact
Squad Webmaster
09-07-2004, 05:11 PM
On my dedicated server at the office I can join behind the router from another machine, but when I come in, my pilot's name becomes blank by default and I cant change it.
It is a Linksys I hope this helps
Salut et à bientôt.
09-07-2004, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by W@tchtower*CFS*
Yep, I have a similar problem with a Linksys Router model befw11s4 B band, I cant host behind it, but if I go straight to the modem, no problem hosting, of course then I cant join from another PC. I read the post here a while back about config. the router, but it didnt work for me. Im not sure how to open the port for C4 in the router. If anybody has any ideas...
If you host with V 20, you have to set the hosting machine in the DMZ.
Salut et à bientôt.
09-08-2004, 10:51 AM
I used to server sometimes behind an older linksys router. these are the settings I used (worked for ver15fixed and 20fixed):
Router linksys befsr41 firmware rev: 1.40.2, Oct 23 2001
-dynamic routing:
working mode: gateway
tx: disabled
rx: disabled
block wan request: disabled (allows echo/shows ping of server on the server list, but also disables a lot of the router's basic security features)
-advanced/port forwarding:
ports:17200-17250 protocol: both ip addy: - forwarded to
server ip (I started my internal ip's at 100, so server ip would be - don't mistake your router ip or your external ip for the internal ip of the machine you want to forward to)
port 7: same
port 13: same
(note - I don't think forwarding is necessary, and if you have any other servers running behind the router, its probably undesirable anyway, cause NAT should send to the correct machine anyway)
Because of disabling the block wan request, I always served with a software firewall in place - the (free) one I found that worked best was agnitum's outpost ( On xp machine I have xp's firewall disabled, as well as a lot of services (see c4league website for services turned off). I also turned off every program except ae, even scheduler, to try to avoid ci's. norton program's caused problems. there is a free antivirus program avg antivirus that works well, but it really doesn't need to be running for c4 server.
if your server says its running, but others can't see it or join, try
going to, shields up, scroll down to shields up again, click proceed, then scroll down to the "shields up services", enter 17200 in the box and click on "user specified custom port probe", if the result returns "stealth", then either your router or firewall is still blocking the port (may return "closed" even though comanche is running )
Note on ip. My ISP gives me 5 ips, so I use a switch (instead of router) after the modem, and run any servers off that. That puts the router down the line, and if I use it all all, it has all the security running (block wan request: enabled) , and whatever is behind it doesn't serve anything(what's the use of using the router and then turning off all the security it provides?) If you only have one ip though, you are pretty much stuck into using it as the gateway/router, and so your security hinges on whatever software firewall you use behind the router on each machine.
Also one note on the outpost firewall. It is also open source, and there is a great add on you can download called blockpost which you can use to permanently block ip's from accessing your machine.
that's everything I know(or think I know lol), hope it helps.
09-26-2004, 07:43 AM
visited and found out that my prob is the router.
looks like i need an other router.
thank you wiper for the help.
09-26-2004, 09:50 PM
I had the same problem with a belkin router and it took 2 weeks to figure it out, on many rouiters if you have forwarded the correct ports to the serving pc and turned on DMZ it causes a conflict on some routers, make sure forwards are removed or turned off when using dmz and vise versa, another possibility is that the serving pc may have the ports blocked by a firewall software on the pc itself. also ports may be disabled by a hidden feature of windows that blocks ports thouyght to be malicious, to unblock them do a file search on the serving pc for files named "hosts" or "lmhosts" with any range of ending extensions, delete them and then your problem may be solved, C4 uses seprate ports for sending list info to NW and communicating with players,
if that fails follow your idea for a new router, ones powered by cisco seem to work the best in my experience, look for a cisco logo or sticker on routers and you should have a good one.....
vesh fey
01-30-2005, 09:07 PM
Also you can open the "port foraward" option I optned up ports 17200-17300 TCP/UDP and ICMP. I set My PC-Cillian to the same. that way I have the Modem doing the most of my firewall junk and saves CPU for C4!
01-30-2005, 09:54 PM
I created some screenshots of the best settings I have found. They are located on our clan site. It is a pretty big gif file so let me know if there is a problem veiwing it. I have altered the private IP address for my protection. Have fun.
I am outy for now,
Hasta Mi Amigos,
I have a DSL Modem/Router and also a Linksys wireless router. It took me a little while to get the settings straight but i have no problem running a dedicated server from one machine and my game from the other PC. If you still need help with yours send me an e mail or come in my server some time and I'll be glad to help.
02-07-2005, 06:15 PM
thanks RAB.
i'll get back to you next weekend.
i reread the thread and think i overread the hint from masterX concerning the host-files. if both next weekend wont work, well from april on i'll have an other isp with higher bandwidth 3000/512 then instead of 2000/384. :smokin.gif: i'll also try to give the rusty usb-DSLmodem a try again even if i dont like that box. :comeandgetsome.gif:
didnt mentioned it before but when i start the server then for some reason my c4.cfg is changed, means the port i wrote in is overwritten with a zero - have no clue why. either its AE or its the nocdEXE or winXP. :stupid2:
02-07-2005, 08:21 PM
Actually RAB I do need your help, I tried to follow Wipers instructions, I just dont think it works on my particular LYNKSYS router Let me know when you are free and we can get on TS.
02-07-2005, 08:43 PM
I use a Sonicwall firewall and all I have opened are ports 17200-17500 UDP and port forwarded these ports to the IP of my server. I also opened up the ability for players to see the ping of my server. Theoretically, these settings should work on any router. If you are still experiencing problems, you might also check to see if there are any firmware updates for your specific router.
Ill be around guys if you need me. If my server is up come on in. Even if I'm not flying. I usually watch the server screen if the server is running. Give a shout. I saw Unoyt's comment about having to host from the DMZ. I run both machines from the same network and no DMZ. Myself I dont like letting anything wide open to the internet like that. You know there are people out there like me with to much time on there hands. Lucky for yall I'm a nice :wink1:
02-10-2005, 03:26 PM
...also ports may be disabled by a hidden feature of windows that blocks ports thouyght to be malicious, to unblock them do a file search on the serving pc for files named "hosts" or "lmhosts" with any range of ending extensions, delete them and then your problem may be solved, C4 uses seprate ports for sending list info to NW and communicating with players,
if that fails follow your idea for a new router, ones powered by cisco seem to work the best in my experience, look for a cisco logo or sticker on routers and you should have a good one.....
well, i do have two files that match
1st one is C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
everything in the file is remed-out with an # except for this line localhost
the other one is
in this file everything is remed-out with an #, no exceptions
so i guess i gotta ask ya what kind of router you have and i'll try to buy that thing.
02-11-2005, 12:31 AM localhost is just the loopback, standard
if everything else is #'d out your fine, sometimes windows will add entries below the loopback that it thinks are bad.....
if thats alls there its not that
Don't just open UDP, try UDP and TCP, both 17200-17300 :puzzled:
02-11-2005, 08:56 AM
hey killme
if you aren't able to join from behind the router, what type of error are you getting ? - is the machine that wants to join the server able to see it using "LAN" by searching ? does it time out or give an error message ?
I am wondering if your DHCP settings are not forwarding the packets to the serving machine properly - do you have DHCP on, and set to automatic ?
You might try concentrating on getting the machines to talk to each other behind the router so that it is clear whether or not the problem is the router or possible the windows setup - because it is clear that your machine is conversing with novaworld and sending the server information there, yet it is unclear whether the other machines are being stopped at the router , or if the packets are arriving properly but being blocked by your internal windows firewall or some other windows setting, or even some other problem (pppoe or a proxy setting if those apply, or possibly even a dns error - what do the machines that are trying to connect to your server see when they try ?) (note that when the machine connects to novaworld to give nova the server information, it does not connect on 17000 range, it connects on different ports to perform those tasks)
also, as someone else mentioned, the ports should be 17200 to 17500, mine often connects at 17479, so be sure to include the whole range if you are forwarding, or setting your router to "virtual server" (same thing).
Screamin Eagle
02-24-2005, 05:55 PM
Hi guys, I too have been trying to run a server from behind a modem/router firewall with no success. I get the server running, but I can't join the game from my second pc. It tells me, "unable to connect to the selected server".... I tried opening TCP 17200 to 17500 and also UDP 17200 to 17500 and forwarding to the IP address specified within the firewall settings but still get the same results. The router I am using is a Efficient Networks SpeedStream 6300. IS there something I am missing here?? I notice on the Server page that shows up once you start hosting, at the top it says "Novaworld Server: TestServer [TDM] (7818) Does this 7818 maybe have something to do with it?? I notice this number changes every time you start a server.
Also, on the left side of this page, it says "receive port:0x4447". This maybe mean anything?? Probably just fishing here but am trying to provide any info that might help all of us...
02-24-2005, 11:51 PM
Try hosting it in the DMZ.
Screamin Eagle
02-25-2005, 09:12 AM
Try hosting it in the DMZ.
Hi unoyt, what do you mean by hosting it in the DMZ?? I would think if no one can connect while hosting in TDM, then there must be something wrong with the open ports...
When you look up this on Novalogic, they have this posted "If you are hosting a game from behind a router you will need to set the outbound port, or trigger and the incoming port the same as the firewall ports for the game." But, no where do they mention any port numbers.
Screamin Eagle
02-25-2005, 12:25 PM
Hey MasterX, what do you mean by " localhost is just the loopback, standard
if everything else is #'d out your fine, sometimes windows will add entries below the loopback that it thinks are bad...."
How do you find out if these HOST and lmhosts files are #'d out?? What is meant by that?? I have them on my pc but am not sure where to go from there....
02-25-2005, 02:45 PM
ports are normally 17200-17500 to be safe but 17200-17300 werx for me, and UDP protocol.
if the only entry you have is Localhost you are fine, if there are other addresses and site names then delete the whole file....
simple as that, windows will rebuild the file with only good entries after a full restart...
Screamin Eagle
02-25-2005, 08:58 PM
Okay. Thanks for the info MasterX, will give it a shot....
Screamin Eagle
03-02-2005, 08:30 AM
Although your computer will rebuild hosts and lmhosts, neither of these affect the ports that would be used by the game or interfered with the firewall. These files exist to simplify the lookup from your computer trying to resolve the URL address of a website to it's IP address. Do not worry about deleting them, as it will not make any difference.
The following is a list of ports I found that are used by Commanche 4 to communicate with servers. the first on the list is the default port, and the rest are fall-backs designed for servers that do not respond properly to the first one.
17200, 21296, 25392, 29488, 33584, 37680, 41776, 45876, 49968, 54064, 58160 or 62256.
03-02-2005, 06:20 PM
that is partially true. lmhosts provides name-based resolution within your subnet and/or internal lan to provide your machine with the ability to directly access machines on your subnet without bouncing all the way up to the nearest ip router (presumably your ISP's). hosts provides the functionality to override the DNS server you are using (presumably your ISP's). what masterx probably encountered was a name collision whereby the hosts file routed an ip request back to local host and he couldn't connect to the host he wanted to. hosts has a lot of useful functionality for blocking adware too, here is a link that is worth reading
I have only ever had to alter these files to allow my machine to host multiple websites on multiple ips simultaneously, but I don't even remember what I did ( I just followed the instructions that came with apache)
bottom line is - if you use named pipes for file shares on your lan or subnet, or vpn, you probably wouldn't want to wipe the files as has been suggested. you could 1) back them up first, then delete and check to see if that helps, or you could 2) just scroll through and look for dns entries starting in novaworld, novaworld3, nw3, nw etc and delete them, which would stop the misdirection (if that was the cause)
03-05-2005, 10:40 AM
I run a server behind a router and LAN connect to it with my 2nd that not what you looking to do Scream....... :smokin.gif:
all this port stuff is to confusing :puzzled:
05-14-2005, 12:00 PM
finally its seems to be working :bouncy:
i bought a standard dsl-modem from my telephone-company and a router 'smc baricade smc7004vbr-eu' - two seperate boxes.
a team mate told me that this router works fine for him.
11-16-2005, 12:02 PM
Hey Kill_me, any chance you could maybe explain the exact way you got it working?? I just got a SMC Barricade g SMCWBR14-G and am trying to get it working for this but no luck yet. Would really appreciate it.....
I guess I'm just lucky. I run a 2Wire modem/router that came with my SBC DSL. I can run a C4/BHD server and join from my 2nd PC no problem. I can even run a server on both PCs and have no problem with people getting in. And just for the hell of it one time, I ran a C4 and BHD server at the same time from one PC and could get into both servers. All that without doing any port forwarding what so ever. All that might sound a little low on the security side of things, But I had an IT friend of mine try to remote access my PC once and after setting the router in the DMZ zone and sending a remote access invitation and he still couldnt connect. I don't know if 2 Wire makes routers for anybody but SBC but if you can find one I would highly recomend it.
11-17-2005, 10:45 AM
Hey Rab,
Luck must be on my side a bit now because I think I finally got it to work. I sent you an email with some questions, hopefully you don't mind.. :) Not sure if you got it yet or not though.
Don't mind at all. Although I have'nt seen the e mail yet. Hmmm You sure you have the right address.
11-17-2005, 03:05 PM
Ya, I got the email addy from your NightCrew site. nworbrab right? I'll resend it and see if you get it this time
11-20-2005, 08:14 PM
hey MagicMan!
in case you still need help then get back to me.
Hey Magic. Did you get my reply. Haven't heard back from ya or seen a server with your name on it in the server list. If ya didn't get it let me know, I'll resend it. If you did get it I hope it helps ya out. Any other questions you might have let me know. I'm always around and don't mind helpin ya out at all. My yahoo IM is always running. IM me and it might be a little easier with answering any questions that way.
11-21-2005, 07:29 PM
Actually Kill_me, Rab and I were on YIM for about 2 hours workin on this. What a pain that was. Here's where it sits so far. If I reboot my router, people can connect to my C4 server within about 1 or 2 minutes. After that, no one can connect. The only way it will accept connections again, is to reboot the router all over again. I've emailed SMC to find out what they have to say about this,,,,,
11-23-2005, 12:52 PM
Okay, I'm posting this in hopes that someone may have a similar setup and be able to help me figure this out.
My Router settings has two tabs. One is Virtual Server and the other is Special Applications. Now, I'm trying to figure out what I have to enter where in order to HOST on C4. In the Virtual Server Tab, it asks for Mapping Ports (which I assume would be 17200-17500) and Server IP which would be the IP of the PC Hosting. Now, Rab helped me set up my 3 pc's with an internal Static IP (think thats right) because apparrently that is needed in order to host.
In the Special Applications Tab, it asks for Trigger Port, Trigger Type, Public Port, and Public Type. I know that both Trigger Type AND Public Type would be UDP but what should get entered into Trigger Port and Public Port?? I thought 17200 would go into the Trigger Port box and 17200-17500 would go into the Public Port box but when we do it that way, no connections can be made to my server. Also with it set up this way, I went and tested it on Shields Up and it came back as Port 17200 CLOSED.
So, maybe if someone has a similar setup, they could tell me what numbers they put where and I could see if they work for me.....
11-29-2005, 11:05 AM
Okay, finally got the router settings right and am able to host. Now, have another problem. When hosting with one pc, I try to connect to the server using my 2nd pc and connecting through LAN. When I click to join game I get "Bad Key Received From Server" and on the pc hosting I get "was denied entry because client provided incorrect key (0)"... Does anyone know what would cause this and maybe how it could be fixed?? Thanks!
12-02-2005, 01:54 PM
MagicMan that is because you are using the same CD Key on both computers. Avoiding this by either joining the server through the internet or by using an other CD Key (buying a second copy of C4).
I'm checking ICQ only weekends as i'm only weekends able to get on my Game PC.
12-02-2005, 02:52 PM
Hey Kill_Me, good to cya again. Ya, Novalogic just nicely informed me that I would have to purchase a second copy of the game, just because I need that second CD Key. I kindly told them what they could do with that second copy :) It's pretty sad that a company that big can't even give you a simple little CD key. THAT'S why software pirating is so high.... I've got it sorted out though, just some minor bugs I need to fix...
Thanks for the help!!
Hello Kill Me:waving.gif: , you have a Problem with the Join on you Server? you 2 PC have Conect on a DSL Router, you PC Nr. 2ist the Host, and you PC Nr.1 ist the Client, and you can not Joint, you become the Message UNABLE TO CONECT TO NOVAWORLD? here is the Problem solution
See the last Picture.
MagicMan that is because you are using the same CD Key on both computers. Avoiding this by either joining the server through the internet or by using an other CD Key (buying a second copy of C4).
I'm checking ICQ only weekends as i'm only weekends able to get on my Game PC.
LOL I only have 1 CD key and have no problem with serveing. C4 is an old enough game that they dont even check. BHD they will check if you log in to a Nova server and with JO they check even if you play a LAN game. The newer the game the tighter the security.
12-05-2005, 03:09 PM
Ya but they probably just felt sorry for you since you're so poor and lazy.......lmao. I'm able to connect through LANIP now so that will work just fine. I'll try a fresh install of C4 soon just to see if the 2nd cd key theory ends up working for me.....
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