View Full Version : Delta Force 2 med

10-31-2002, 09:19 PM
:stupid2: i need some help , i like to edit maps for DF2 and i made a cool map, but it needs paradropping, and i put the drop height at 35,000 and all they do is fall they dont paradrop, i have paradropped in multi before so i know you can, how high do you have to put it in the "Z" thingy. PLEASE help!!!! :stupid2:

10-31-2002, 10:54 PM
you must be saying 35 metres, not 35,000 metres.

try placing tham at a height greater than 100 metres, 125 for instance.

From the TFD MED Manual
The first box for each coordinate is measured in meters. The second
box is increments of a meter divided by 256 (about .4cm).

Leo Leentvaar
11-01-2002, 07:12 AM
first you need the full editor, not the one on yr CD!!
for each para make a group.
f.e group 20 para1
group 21 para2 etc
put them in a corner of your map, away from the action.
secondly under waypoints select
teleport target.
Insert it where u need to drop em
Give the teleport target a Z value f.e 200
Most of all this target belongs to same group as one of your para s.
So each para has it s own teleport target.
Now in the events screen create an event.
f.e if group(blue team) area trigger, then group teleport. each para must be entered.
Questions: mail me:2gunsfiring_v1.gif:

11-01-2002, 07:30 PM
just to add do get the unlocked df2 editor

this will unlock many features not in the stock editor :biere.gif: