10-30-2002, 02:00 AM
Hi all
OK i tryed to reinstall my df2 game but when it got to 78% installed i got a

MOVE DATA -117 ERROR message

and the install closed out on me:brutal173.gif:

it has done this on both the large and small installs, my disc is clean (no scratches) and my DF1,DFLW & DFtfd games have had no probs installing or reinstalling, Any Brains out there know what the cause of this error is..thank guys

10-30-2002, 09:18 AM
Component move data error (error 113 or 117)
This error can occur for several occasions You have read only files in your previous install This can be the case when you copied a file from CD to your installation to replace a file of the installation. The installation can't replace this file by itself and generates this error.

You might need to manualy remove the DF2 directory from previous install if its still on the HD, then re-install.

If this doesn't work then hopfully someone else can bang out a solution for ya.

Another cause.
Disk is dirty or scratched A dirty or scratched disk can keep the installation program from reading the file. Please clean the disk or ask for a replacement when it is scratched, but you did say the CD was clean.

[Edited on 10-30-2002 by Charger]

10-30-2002, 05:12 PM
:stupid2: thanks my df2 now installed....I feel so dumb lol...it was the folder...i didnt trash the old folder after the first un-install:freak3:

thanks charger:icon_beer.gif:

10-30-2002, 05:18 PM
Live and learn:cool: