View Full Version : Another annoying forum problem
08-18-2004, 07:41 PM
It's me again, lol... Well, after I've read a new post in here, I press my mouse button to go back one level in the forum, i.e. to the list of topics in that forum I was in. That works, but I get positioned way below the list of topics and will have to manually move up to the list by using scroll bar, scroll mouse button, or page up button... Am I the only one experiencing this as well...? What could be the reason for this happening...?
Your browser remembers the position you where in the page
eg: you view a page scroll down hit a news link view page then go back you will be at the point where you hit news link.
to go back to main page to start afresh hit banner or home button
08-19-2004, 02:14 AM
Ok, I believe I understand it now, sort of...
If I click to read one of the topics in a topic list and inside that topic I scroll down to the end to read the last replies, then my browser will remember that position (i.e. how far down from the top I am inside that topic I'm reading), and when I click the mouse button (#4 or #5) to get back/up one level, I will get back to the topic list again, being positioned at the same distance from the top as I was inside the topic when reading the bottom replies.... Since the topic list often is shorter than the topics, I will sometimes end up being positioned way below the end of the topic list, i.e. even below the Novalogic official fan site button, and will see only the blue background color... I will not necessarily end up at the point where I hit the topic link... It will depend on how far down in the topic I was reading, and also how far down in the topic list the topic that I clicked was positioned.
That's how it works for me now, and I can see some sort of logic there, but this is the only forum I've come across where it's working like that... In other forums, my browser will remember the position from the top at the time I click a topic link, so that I always will get back to the same spot later, no matter how far down in a topic I read. It might be my browser, though, and I might be the only one experiencing this. It's not a huge problem, either, so no worries. It's just a bit annoying, and I wondered why it happened.
08-23-2004, 08:57 PM
I guess it's only me having this problem, then...?
its got to be your settings your using some sort of cache
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