View Full Version : P4 Hyperthreading
07-31-2004, 08:25 AM
Hey Gents.........this has probably been posted somewhere already but am unable to locate.......someone mentioned disabling hyperthreading on my p4 to help from sysdumping constantly........if theres an existing thread on how this is done or if someone could post it I would greatly appreciate it.........thanks!
07-31-2004, 05:19 PM
Hey Garret,
We experienced the same problems in CFS with the P4 with Hyperthreading, squad members would receive a "desktop" dump(not a sys dump) that would knock you completely out of C4 to your desktop. After disabling the hyperthreading on 3 seperate CFS pilots machines, the issue was fixed with minimal if any performance issues. To disable, upon boot up of your pc, hit F2 key, go into your bios settings and disable the Hyperthreading, save your changes and re-boot. Let me know if you need any assistance. I would hate for you or Moon to get a dump during our match tommorrow,LOL! See ya then!
08-01-2004, 09:59 PM
Hey Watchtower.........thanks for the info........was gone for the weekend so didnt get to try it for our match..(dumped 3 times hehe)....btw was a blast!.........tell Avenger the server ran well!!!........will try soon and let ya know if I have any questions!......thanks again!!:dance:
09-11-2004, 11:40 AM
I can run HT enabled an just about any server, but when I join CFS, that's where I start having a lot of problems.
Only very rarely does it ever drop me out to the desktop.
09-15-2004, 10:37 PM
i got p4 -3.2 ht.....double channel memmory [running at 800 mhz]
i was gettin' dumped every 10 minutes...i changed memory to
single channel ...400 mhz....and few times i played did not get
dumped...also i got trustmaster usb joystick thats running fine
now...does not die any more....
i would not touch hyperthreading in bios ...or any twicking of the
processor at all...can create problems down the line...!!
09-16-2004, 08:36 AM
I wonder what your performance degradation is by slashing the memory that bad. I dont have a hypercrash machine, but I think it would be helpful if a couple guys would do a few performance tests under the following conditions and report back so that you guys could figure out the best settings
1) slashing the mem to 400
2) disabling hyperthread
3) nothing disabled
4) playing with cpu:mem clock (slightly lowering the ratio)
5) increasing mem latency, possibly under clocking slightly
reason: based on the last post, it seems like changing the timing slightly might fix whatever the memory access bug issue is that is causing the dumps. the thing that is really boggling my mind though is that real memory errors ( in my experience) usually cause kernel errors, so I wonder if this is really a video memory error that is crashing the machines running at high speed, and that reducing the clocking speed is really having something to do with memory transfer, and not directly the cpu memory at all ?
regardless, though, it would help everyone if you guys would fiddle with your machines and crash them a bunch to find out LOL
09-16-2004, 11:56 AM
regardless, though, it would help everyone if you guys would fiddle with your machines and crash them a bunch to find out LOL
I will stick with my AMD thank you very much!LOL
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