View Full Version : 3d wireframe view problems

10-26-2002, 12:36 PM
ok this problem started most likely a month or two ago. when ever i go into the 3d wireframe view i can not press a single button on my keyboard (like to addjust view) or it sends me back to normal view . . . any thoughts? OH and it does this for the BHDMED too

10-27-2002, 01:11 AM
how much ram dose your puter have ??? i just dnld the updated bhd editor and have n/p in 3d wire frame mode . i would suggest to re dnld the updated version of the bhd editor and see if your problem is still there . just over write the old editor file it was updated 10-25-02

10-27-2002, 02:58 PM
To add to Ed's post, it is also well known that the MED's for all the DF Series build up a collection of "garbage" in your computer's memory - and no, not virtual memory. You may need to occasionally save your map, exit the med and reboot to clear it. This was a major problem in DF2 and has been less with each newer med but it still exists.

You can also turn off items in your map by Selecting one, then right click it and in the drop down window use the Select This Type and then right click it again and use the HIDE SELECTED. This will make the items in the map temp invisible but they will still be there and it reduces the use of RAM to draw them on the monitor.