View Full Version : Multiplayer Weapon Statistics for DF Joint Operations

07-27-2004, 05:10 AM
Multiplayer Weapon Statistics for DF Joint Operations - Values computed by F.S.F. Tom Anger Updated 07/22/04

If you have accurate testing data or have helpful info to add please contact jointops@comcast.net or visit the forums at http://f-s-f.org

<a href="http://home.comcast.net/%7Ejointops/weapons/usefulweaponlist.htm"target="_blank">*** Click Here for Multiplayer Weapon Statistics ***</a>

<a href="http://home.comcast.net/~jointops/usefulweaponlist.pdf"target="_blank">*** Click Here for printable PDF ***</a>

Click the weapons for links to more related information - every month this weaponlist is reviewed and updated if needed.

Ultimately the weapon is as accurate as the one firing it, but the charts below will provide some given info, plus results of intensive testing

See the sheets on worksheet notes and update notes to get updates on what was added at what time.

Our accuracy charts are a measurement of weapon spread. Ultimately the weapon is as accurate as the one shooting the gun.
Please share this webpage and .pdf with others. Spread in other forums and with feedback we can make this a better resouce to others.

Source: typhoon-rising.com