View Full Version : Delta Force map editor Error ?

07-21-2004, 08:44 PM
I try using the mission editorfor Delta Force : Black Hawk Down, I'll load a terrain, then press
insert and choose a tree or a black hawk, then get out of insert mode
and highlight the object then press "enter" for editor attributes but
the program freezez and I get a wierd error that says the program needs
to close, how can I fix this ?


07-21-2004, 10:20 PM
There are several versions of the editor circulating around. What version are you trying to use ? I found this error occured when trying to use the (unlocked) MED_H version, I think it was... I switched back to the MED_D version... problem solved. This problem can sometimes be resolved by including all of the files in the download of an 'unlocked' editor's download in the BHD directory.

Give us a little more info if this doesn't help... we'll see what we can do.

07-21-2004, 10:28 PM
Version 2.06B, how can I tell if it's unlocked or not? I have windows XP Pro with all reccomended requirements. Should I get the error report ?

07-21-2004, 10:53 PM
An unlocked editor can be found here (http://www.checkpointdelta.net/cgi-bin/db.cgi?db=file&uid=default&Game=BHD&sb=1&so=ascend&view_records=1&mh=16).

There are others floating around the Delta Force community - but this one has been proven. Nova issues what we refer to as 'locked' editors. Not all features are enabled. These alternate editors 'unlock' these features, providing the mapmaker with more options in their mapmaking.

The long and short of this is --- If the editor you are using is the standard issue <NOVA> editor - it is 'locked'.

You might try one of these unlocked editors to see if it resolves your problem.

07-22-2004, 01:09 PM
I tried one of the unlocked editors there was an error loading it though, I found out how to get the mission editor to work by shutting off some of the background processes, I guess it's an XP issue are there any fixes for the mission editor ?

07-22-2004, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by Delta2
I tried one of the unlocked editors there was an error loading it though, I found out how to get the mission editor to work by shutting off some of the background processes, I guess it's an XP issue are there any fixes for the mission editor ? it's not a W/XP issue it's the map editor itself novalogic's map editor's have allways been system recsource hog's . and dfbhd is the worst to date lol , it requires min 256 meg's free ram to operate properly . it's allways best to shut down the non essintial programs when maping and playing the gm