View Full Version : getting unstuck online tip

10-25-2002, 09:22 PM
I'm sure most people know how to reset the game if you get stuck but I learned a trick that is a little quicker.
Keep 3 hellfires in your arsenal and when you get stuck, switch to hellfires,MAKE SURE YOUR RADAR IS NOT LOCKED ON ANY TARGETS, fire off the hellfires which causes enough damage to your chopper to cause it to explode. Has anyone ever tried this? It works for me every time, except if your're stuck in the water.
If you do try it, post and let me know if it works for you.:thumb:

[Edited on 11-1-2002 by rgill]

10-25-2002, 10:11 PM
Wow...never got stuck myself but that seems like a sure fire way to get out of a situation without having to wait till the games over or warm boot. :cool2:

10-26-2002, 08:24 AM
well the game allows you to hit the key next to the 1 key, I believe it's called the "tilde" key (~), whatever that means, type resetgames and press enter. This will reload the game without losing your score but takes a while. The trick I use is quicker, all you have to do is respawn.:eureka: