View Full Version : Tired of Kiddie Clan?!

07-16-2004, 10:24 PM
Are you mature enough ? Adult who's tired of kiddie clans run by little brats ? You come back from work tired and want to just relax? Well why not try out The IRON Brigade.

IRON Brigade is now recruiting for Joint Operations Division. We are multi-game Mature Gaming Community. Feel free to drop by our site: www.iron-hq.com If you think we what you are looking for just fill out an application.

Right Now We Playing
America`s Army
Planet Side
Raven Shield
StarWars Galaxies
Call of Duty

and of course, yours


We do run TeamSpeak server. For ingame communications

08-26-2004, 08:15 PM
Hokey, had tons of new recruits. Team shaping up greatly, though as usual we looking for more nice people. Your skill doesnt matter, if you have good attitude towards other players, mature. And of course adult, feel free to check out The Iron Brigade: www.iron-hq.com
Families welcome. :D

09-12-2004, 05:07 PM
Well, well.
Iron Brigade still looking for mature people to fill our ranks.

We are 250+ members worldwide Adult Gaming Community. Playing multiple games and I'd vouche that we have greatest bunch of people. :P

Visit us and fill out an application at: www.iron-hq.com

Ruthless Shadow
09-25-2004, 09:24 AM
So what's the point of having forum you can't get into? I registered and tried and to enter the JO Forum and I get this:

"Access Denied
The Iron Brigade Forums : Access Denied

Sorry, only members with sufficient permission can access this page."

Waste of my time.

09-26-2004, 03:32 AM
LOL, as it said. Members Only. There is Public Forum for Non-Members. :D

Ruthless Shadow
09-26-2004, 07:37 AM
My point exactly. I thought by registering I became a member??? If you check the Membership List I'm there so I must be a member. :puzzled:

Of 24 forum topics I have access to only 4. Great stuff like "Iron Brigade Regulations" and "Polls". And, the message says "Sorry, only members with sufficient permission can access this page". Do you mean Squad Member?

As I said b4 "a waste of my time".

Pacman <|SC|>
09-27-2004, 01:51 PM
You're kidding right Ruthless? OMG! You have to be the forum noob of the year. God, you are a site member, not a squad member. Holy Christ. LMAO

Ruthless Shadow
09-27-2004, 10:11 PM
Did you read anything that I wrote Pacman? I'm no noob...been around longer than you I'd be willing to bet. Please re-read what I said and please leave Christ out of this.

09-28-2004, 09:08 AM
Guys you trying to highjack the thread?

Ruthless Shadow
09-28-2004, 09:30 AM
You're right IronxDevice. I apoligize... that was not my intention. This is my last post to this thread. Good luck with your squad and recruiting efforts.