View Full Version : web Error

A Recon Soldier
07-16-2004, 04:46 PM
Hey i dont mean to cause work for whoever does the website b ut the maps, "Insurance Company Attacking You?" (TFD) and, "Cell" (BHD) have the wrong editor's name, change them both to, A Recon Soldier, if you can, please.

Sergio is my first name so that explains the reason for Cell's wrong editor. And Blackfox is a name I use for gaming,that explains "ICAY?".Thankyou

A Recon Soldier
07-16-2004, 04:52 PM
Actually I see you have a member titled blackfox i think that was me.... but you see i had to make a new account cuz i think i lost the email adress for that account...

let me see if can remember the pw...

A Recon Soldier
07-16-2004, 05:01 PM
nope cant

07-16-2004, 09:37 PM
BLACKFOX: Born - 1974-09-20
A RECON SOLDIER: Born - 1991-03-04

Can't help you there. :(

However: Inside the 'Cell' BMS code - 'BlackFox AKA A Reconist'. Those two maps' database entries will be edited.