View Full Version : BHD and Joint Ops - Your Opinions

06-26-2004, 06:03 AM
I can only afford one of the games, and have played the demo of Joint Ops which I thought was excellent. I am currently d/l the demo of BHD to check it out.

Can you please let me have your thoughts on the following

1) Which game will live longer (multiplayer) and why
2)Which is the better multiplayer game and why.

Great site BTW.


06-26-2004, 08:04 AM
Both games are very differant

BHD does have single player mode which allows you to play offline and is a squad based game for multiplayer aspects

The game does not support Coop

JO is a multiplayer game only and does not have single player mode at all.

But has a welth of drivable vehicles in my opinion this aspect alone should temp you this way

Coop is supported online.

09-18-2004, 02:40 AM
i would have to say JO if your puter is up to par for the gm [ie] you meet the requirement's for the gm