View Full Version : C4: New with lots of questions

06-18-2004, 03:40 AM
Hi all,

I am impressed by the amount you guys spent in developing this game into such great heights.

I realised that the post counts in this forum is dropping and I really hope that someone is still looking this forum.

When you run your games, how can run through the scenario without having the enemy shooting you dead? Is there a way to view the test-run of the games, ie how your wingman and maybe black widow (and troops) behave in the game without being in the game?

Thank you.

06-18-2004, 09:03 AM
There is no spectator mode.

06-18-2004, 09:40 AM
Are you talking about stock maps or a map that your designing yourself?

If its a map your making I think the best way to run through it and to get a feel for whats going on is to set everything on your grid then just set all enemy AI's to green state. They will be in their postions but will not shot at you as you go by.
Hope this helps.

I realised that the post counts in this forum is dropping and I really hope that someone is still looking this forum.

Oh we're probably all still here, just sleeping at the wheel alot more..LOL

06-18-2004, 10:45 AM
No, frankly, you guys are good. I read through all the thread in here and in c4 discussion to make sure that I got the basics right.

Charger, yes I am designing my own map, and that's what I do at this point of time, changing the enemy to green.

Next question, when I set area trigger to activate a group of enemies to move (Redirect Group To), they don't. However, it works when I command individual enemy to move (Redirect SSN To). Am I doing something wrong?

To introduce myself furthermore, I am actually using this game to access Situational Awareness of Operators/Pilots for my university project. I realised that this game (map editor) is extremely powerful yet user friendly (almost). What's more, I found this web-site is visited by real good players and game-creators.

My final intention is to build up few scenarios and set-up a 2 aircraft formation (LAN) and access how they fly...and then do up my report.

Thank you.

06-18-2004, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by griffon29
I am actually using this game to access Situational Awareness of Operators/Pilots for my university project. I realised that this game (map editor) is extremely powerful yet user friendly (almost). What's more, I found this web-site is visited by real good players and game-creators.

My final intention is to build up few scenarios and set-up a 2 aircraft formation (LAN) and access how they fly...and then do up my report.

Thank you.

Define "access how they fly.." please. You are wanting to 'record' a mission - from 2 players view ? View it 'realtime' ?

06-18-2004, 08:42 PM
Hi Blue,

With a limited budget, the "test" room is set up close to that of a simulator, no dome though, just using projectors. Two sets of "subjects" will be flying a comanche each, with partition separating the two groups.

With a scenario given, they will have to fly like a actual mission, using guide-lines laid down by SOPs (so no fancy flying). Two video recorders will be employed to capture their operations.

Question : Comanche4 doesn't allow us to record the game, right?

They are few ways to capture their level of Situational Awareness, including question & answer (Q&As), SAGAT (Situational Awareness Global Accessment Tech.) and many more. I can explain more if any of you guys are interested. However, my main research is how the terrain map with real-time display of enemies location (the display on the bottom right) help in the S.A. of pilots and how much it does. Secondly, is the effectiveness of messaging we use by typing text to transmit messages to the team. (because of that, I need to be in a ghost aircraft to type these messages pretending I am the Commander.)

Question Comanche4 doesn't allow us to switch on/off the terrain map, right?

06-18-2004, 10:07 PM
What you are asking to do is a whole new perspective on using the game - not for entertainment, but as a testing ground.

Although I can appreciate your position, I'm afraid you are asking this in a public forum that has members (the great majority) that would use these features in an honorable manner - but also has visitors who might take these options and use them as 'cheats'. Having the terrain disappear or having the ability to 'ghost' would provide great advantages.

To make a long story short - Since this is a gaming forum, not a coding forum - I cannot offer any further assistance in such an endeavor. I am sorry, but hope you understand my position in this.

If you are still interested in pursuing this, you may PM me and I can direct you to some links that may be useful. Just hit the PM button below this post.

06-18-2004, 10:21 PM
Thanks Blue,

I can understand, cause I have seen many games ruin because of scripts and cheats. I've come to this forum to learn, not to cheat, to enhance my creativity.

Question (I've asked earlier) I can't seem to use the Redirect Group to work, whereas Redirect SSN works well for me. Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong? Cause it's pretty tedious to click every SSN to move.

Seriously, the gaming society is full of cheaters, and worst, they feel glorified with kills earned out of it.

Question I've put a simulated Chinook/Blackhawk as a transport heli and set it to waypoint z (can't remember the right name) to follow the terrain, but often it cuts into the terrain which makes it look silly. Is this the best remedy: selecting waypoint/flight path of level/descending heights?

Thank you (I'll PM you)

06-18-2004, 11:17 PM
Using the unlocked C4MED3C (http://www.checkpointdelta.net/cgi-bin/db.cgi?db=file&uid=default&Game=C4&view_records=1&sb=1&so=ascend&ID=*&mh=100) - I have provided a file that does what you are asking. I've included the mission file so that you may open it in the editor.

Click on each of the Chinook's Waypoints and then the info box in the lower left hand corner - look at the Z values. Do the same for everything - preferably individually.

Also, go to Edit -> Waypoints ; Edit -> Area Triggers ; Edit -> Events.

First hover over the tower - and watch the 'Group'. Then hover over the Hanger and watch. Go back and forth. ( This is provided in the Edit -> Events by resetting every 3 seconds - otherwise area triggers are 'one shot' deals )

Hope that helps.

06-18-2004, 11:30 PM
Thanks Blue for your help. I'll try it when I'm back.

Question I can change a single player into a multiplayer custom game by simply changing the general information, right? (with team-mate start markers placed) I cannot try to out yet cause the computers are not linked up yet.

Thank you for all the upcoming help, it is certainly great to discover this forum.

06-18-2004, 11:39 PM
Originally posted by griffon29

Question I can change a single player into a multiplayer custom game by simply changing the general information, right? (with team-mate start markers placed)


06-20-2004, 10:14 AM
Thanks Blue,

Saw your file on redirect, and visited the link to download a lot of stuffs which I think is necessary for a good editing.

I'll try out, and hopefully create an outline of a mission and will trouble you guys if I encounter any problems. My first mission I guessed will be a CSAR mission.

Thank you for your help.