View Full Version : Hello

05-25-2004, 01:13 PM
Hello there thought i would introduce myself :)

I am Cheryl 22 from UK i mainly play BHD and COD.

Anyway thought i would pop in as was a bit surprised to find a ladies room, i signed up to http://www.grrlgamer.com/ but there are not to many girls on there that play first person shooter, so any way just popping him to say hi to all the fellow female gamers.:dance:

05-25-2004, 04:05 PM
:wavey: Hi Cheryl Welcome to CPD .... Don't be put-off they do talk to us Brits sometimes ...... :lol: :bisou:

06-26-2004, 07:52 AM
Welcome to CPD, Cheryl... Always nice to have another female on board!:wavey: