View Full Version : How do you make teammate follow you??

05-21-2004, 12:55 AM
how do u make the teammate follow you for commanche 4 for map editing

05-21-2004, 01:35 AM
Just put a Comanche ( Hovering Checked - if you want him ready when the map starts) in there and give him the AI textfile of Wingman in properties.

Edited to include: BTW, you can hit 7 while playing - and your Wingman Orders will appear. Not only will he follow you, he can do things like patrol the base and guard or attack a target of your choosing.

05-21-2004, 12:49 PM
is there a way to make blackhawk follow youand also how do u make the bravo team in the blackhwak go to the waypoint i give it or how do u do it???

05-22-2004, 02:39 AM
I don't really think you can get the entire show you are wanting from C4 - unless one of the 'coders' here see something that I'm too lazy to look for written into C4 - but is still locked. BHD on the other hand would readily allow you all of this.

As far as I know..the 'standard' way won't allow you to give the blackhawk a wingman designation, so a workaround may be to have your arrival at a trigger send the blackhawk on the waypoint list you are following.

I've yet to find a heli that will allow transport of troops in C4 either... so teleporting the troops and making them appear to leave the blackhawk may be your best bet on that.

Try this mis and see if it is something close to what you are wanting.

05-22-2004, 03:24 AM
teleporting the troops and making them appear to leave the blackhawk may be your best bet on that.

Blue is right on this effect long long time ago lol i done this useing the chinok . i had it come in low few meters off grnd then hover had the team 1 at a time teleport to the back of the helo they fell to ground giveing the look of a fast rope insertion . each team member was assigned a waypoint list did short run set up a position like a fan off the back of the helo lol . just play around dont get discouraged and youll get it just the way you want if it's @ all possibel . and this effect is http://community.the-underdogs.org/smiley/armed/spy.gif

05-22-2004, 11:23 AM
For the amount of time I've spent working with the c4 editor I've never been able to have AI board or ride any vehicle in the game. Agreeing with Blue and Ed, teleporting is really the only way to simulate the AI entering and exiting the vehicles. I've used this method in many of my maps with really good sucess providing your willing to take the time to fine tune the AI poition to where the heli lands or takes off. The truth is when your flying the Comanche and stuff is happnin on the ground you shouldn't really have time to sit there and watch a lot of it go on in great detail. Simulation is good enough for this type of play.

05-23-2004, 03:56 PM
ok thanks all for your help !!!

01-11-2008, 02:32 AM
Just put a Comanche ( Hovering Checked - if you want him ready when the map starts) in there and give him the AI textfile of Wingman in properties.

Edited to include: BTW, you can hit 7 while playing - and your Wingman Orders will appear. Not only will he follow you, he can do things like patrol the base and guard or attack a target of your choosing.

Bloody obvious now I've seen it in this post, but I've just spent the best part of 4 days trying to figure this one out. Mind you, the C4 mission editor is a LOT more complex than the old Comanche Gold mission editor ...

By the way, if the old hands are wondering, the situation is as follows:

[1] I bought Comanche 4 over a year ago, but it wouldn't run on my old PC;

[2] My old PC died over Christmas, and C4 runs on the replacement (but for some reason C3G doesn't run anywhere near as well on the new PC as it did on the old one, despite the new one having a processor almost twice as fast, twice the RAM and supposedly everything newer and better).

So, I've only started actually running C4 for about 3 weeks, despite having had it for more than a year.

Now all I need to do is figure out how to make the Seahawk survive in the Icebox standard mission so I can progress in the standard missions ... but the above tip on the editor will help me with a nagging problem I've had with including a wingman in custom missions. Funny how I was able to set event cascades going with ease, but stumbled over this ...

01-17-2008, 08:31 AM
Hello Gentlemen, I have an addition here, I am attempting to add Wingmen to each player in a Multiplayer Map, I have successfully added the wingmen (8 on each side) But here is the problem; when I enter the map ALL 8 wingmen are being assigned to me, I dont know if this is happening because I am the only player in the map, or if it would occur to all players. I will endevour to get someone else to enter a test map with me to find out, I will update this when I can find a willing volunteer.
What I would like to know is; Is there any way of assigning a wingman to each player exclusivly? I have tried to name/number the Waypoints and Groups individually, but here I am lost.
Any help would be appreciated.....:help:
BTR Maybe this is one for you m8....
Nick -aka- Phaser

01-17-2008, 04:55 PM
my recollection is that the wingmen are assigned by color ? seems like a 4 color map would be best for this.

01-17-2008, 10:02 PM
Hmmm... this is an interesting idea. I have a couple of ideas, but the problem with me trying it out is our time difference. You'll need to tell me about what time EST you want to do this... then we need to sort the day. I can't really do it on a weekday, but week-end should be ok.

01-19-2008, 12:36 PM
ummm... was it something I said ?

01-22-2008, 10:32 AM
Hi, sorry for the delay in the reply, I only check CPD once a week (if that!)
Yeah, we could get together and try a few things, my best time at the weekends is Sat & Sun about 17.00hrs GMT which would be 12.00hrs EST. Let me know if that would be suitable? We could use =FUN='s TS2.