View Full Version : Goodbye CPD

05-14-2004, 08:31 AM
Well the time has come for HULK to leave CPD. The reasons are few but they involve a post I made in the Boy's room forums. My post in the "Ass of the Month" was edited to show a man's buttocks. Then the post was closed not allowing me to respond. When moderating a forum and taking a higher ethical stance one may wish to consider that the administrator of these forums started the "Ass of the Month". Frankly, I'm bothered by these actions, so much so, that I need to have my account deleted.

Legolas, Edward, Charger, Chad and Cobra, I may have missed a few, I wish you all continued good health and happiness. To the rest of the CPD community I wish you long lives and many good times.

To Bluetiereign,
I have seen you write some very intelligent and thought provking posts, i'm sorry that it came to this for my opinion of you to be altered.


Pacman <|SC|>
05-14-2004, 08:36 AM
I stood behind Hulk as he wrote his post. I must say that i'm disappointed. I have known Hulk for 27 years and I know him to be a good and decent man, I don't know many. I am sad to say that this is not what I expected from either Hulk or Blue.

Edit...I guess my post totals didn't make it to the new forums. For those of you that don't know me, I had upwards of 300 posts here, but I lost the internet at my home over a year ago. Now I can only get on at work, and rarely at that.

05-17-2004, 03:08 PM
:musicboohoo.gif: :luxhello.gif: :waving.gif:

05-17-2004, 06:20 PM
Just a thought but why leave?

05-17-2004, 11:09 PM
Even though I'm not directly connected to this situation I felt that putting my two cents in at this point wouldn't hurt. I can't say I understand Hulks reasons for leaving CPD over the altering of a post, becuase I personaly have had posts altered or changed and to be truthful never take it serious enough to want to leave the site.(or maybe I can't..) I take in all in good fun. My only concern is and I've voiced my opinion on this subject in the past, is that sometimes it seems theres more humor going on here then gaming and I've noticed that in the middle of all this humor people tend to get their feelings hurt or they up and leave the site over the simplist things and to be truthfull it seems kind of silly the get so upset over it. Ass Of The Month started as a fun and adult like thing and now seems to be the butt of controversy. Part of the problem is this site actually needs to fallow rules and regulations and maybe posting such things is riding a thin line to begin with. I've seen people try to push the limits and sometimes in cases like this things tend to get a little out of hand. CPD has grown up in the past few years, the people who work here are dedicated non-paid members who strive to maintain a workable forum that all can enjoy still have room to grow. I personally don't want to see anyone hit the road but at the same time I don't want to see the limits get pushed and have this site turn into a dualing posters nightmare of what ass is acceptable and what ass is not. I'm sorry if anyone feels the need to leave CPD because this site is really all about its members...its about the community and what it represents...Come on guys...its not about a big hairy butt in a thong!:no:

05-18-2004, 06:48 PM

This is nuts , come on, were losing members over Ass of the month "unbeliveable"

Just a reminder Rustinski started the boys room for just that posting topics were us male pigs could post some mature humor , its a big boys room , and if anything in there offends someone then they and only they elected to open that post, yes it requires some basic rules, and i mean basic, but the rules are for all members
like i said in the start JMO