View Full Version : How Do u make BlackHawk Land And Bravo Team Work??

05-10-2004, 11:32 PM
k Land And Bravo Team Work??What im saying is for comanche 4 how do u make bravo team in the helicopter??? and make them stay in there??? and then the helicopter go to waypoint and drop off bravo team to the waypoint i give em ??? I already Tryed What i thought but no used Need Help Please!!!

05-11-2004, 02:08 PM
You actually can't put an AI in a vehicle in C4. But you can set Teleport marker to simualt the AI coming from the Helo or vehicle you want. We have a few manuals in the download section for Comanche4 that may teach you most of the stuff you've been asking.

08-18-2004, 05:58 PM
That would be my suggestion, just have Bravo team approach the huey. When they get there have them teleport after a 2 or 3 second delay to a discrete, unused location. When the Blackhawk lands later, add a new trigger and have them return. I have had problems returning groups though, they kind of bunch together and it looks horribal. I find it better using small groups when teleportin the group back, and set them next to each other, or if Bravo is small enough do it by SSN