View Full Version : Comanche 4 MOD-MasterX<BKC>

03-17-2004, 04:43 AM
This is a Server MOD for C4 that I made.
Made with
works with also(just swap exe after installed mod)

2 Unlocked Options
-Max Team Lives(Hosting Options)
-ReTest Video(Advanced Options)

Several Added Features:(Server side stuff)
New Gametypes now show up correctly in C4(KOTH, TKOTH, CTF,etc)
no more Element HGStype whatever messages, but type must still be selected elsewhere, in BANE's util or in c4.cfg, But the show up fine in game menus

New Death Messages for Multiplayer games:
like the ones that say....MasterX Killed griffon or
MasterX Crashed, A bunch of new messages have been added with much more entertaining language(no cussing/cursing)
all new messages still PG-13 lol,
I will let you discover the new messages when you die, lol

Give it a try....

BKC MOD Revision 1 (http://graebtech.com/BKCmod-r1.zip)

03-17-2004, 04:44 AM
:stupid2: :stupid2: :stupid2: :stupid2:

03-17-2004, 06:15 AM
Here is the Readme file also inclosed in the Above ZIP....

03-17-2004, 07:25 AM
If your using the MOD please replace the c4.exe in c4 folder with this one. This one has the NO CD crack and the Fix from bane to
allow it to use c4.cfg multiplayer options as well as my few little modifications, It will make hosting a great deal easier.....


AttachmentC4.exe.zip (http://graebtech.com/C4.exe.zip)

03-17-2004, 09:00 AM
Good Job.. Is Frag Match Game Type 3??

03-17-2004, 03:13 PM
I just discovered it, dont have any real answers yet...

soon though