View Full Version : Prob hosting TKOTH games

03-08-2004, 12:03 AM
hey I ran into a problem hosting the Team Koth games. I tried v15 hosting with password and it wouldnt let anyone join. I tried it on 2 machines. Anyone know how to fix this ? It works fine with no passwords, but once the passwords are up, it won't let you enter a password, just says you can't join cause you got the wrong one. It doesnt seem to work even if correct pw is set manually in c4.cfg.

03-08-2004, 02:23 AM
I tested mine tonight. The log in pass word option will work for me. The team color pass word will not. So you can set the log in pass word and tell players the color they play as, letting them choose the color. Or not let players choose color so they come in as the color needed to to even the sides. Not what your looking for I know, but better than no pass word option at all.:1drink.gif:

03-08-2004, 09:20 AM
coolio. thanks reaper

03-08-2004, 02:30 PM
To control team membership in a 4 team game the Host sets the passwords under the //SYSTEM variables in the c4.cfg

red_password = "red1"
blue_password = "blue2"
yellow_password = "yello"
violet_password = "whatnot"

The client connectiing must preset the correct password
under the //Multiplayer variables in the c4.cfg using:

squad_password = "yello"

I've not yet tested this on version 1.20 but if version 1.20 actually reads the squad_password variable prior to replacing the c4.cfg then it will work .

I will add a team selection option and additional configuration options for host in my next utility.


03-08-2004, 07:13 PM
Hey Bane,

let me know if you can get V 20
to look at the c4.cfg file.

À la prochaine :)))

03-08-2004, 10:37 PM
Thanks Bane that worked.

03-10-2004, 02:50 AM
Hey BANE I been trying to get hold of ya, I think i know how to get CTF and possibly....possibly Flagball working, requires server side and player side mods though, not gotten it to yet but i think i know how know, email me and i send you the info i have so far

03-10-2004, 01:06 PM
that sounds cool. Hey, LRS is going to be serving TKOTH sun night. if anyone wants to play email me for pw. Also, We were going to try to put up some 4x4 TKoth next week if anybody has any good 4 way maps please put them up for grabs. thanks. Hey masterx, could you email me ? I tried emailing you but can't seem to contact you . thanks


03-12-2004, 03:42 AM
Hey Wiper, My servers ISP has been having DNS probs, So some email gives a message of non existant address or unavailable address or just disapears with no trace.... This Address has not failed so far email me on there, MASTERX-BKC@BKC-LX.TK
that should correct things for your side at least lol....
many people get server not found when they go to my server using www.graebtech.com, but it works fine to go to graebtech.com without the www..... dont ask??????

I got on email about forums but i lost account name and pass....
can ya help there :stupid2: :stupid2: :stupid2: :stupid2: :stupid2: :stupid2:

03-12-2004, 08:23 AM
rgr emailed you, was worried cause tried to get you all week. I'll work on the forum thing, you might want to create new login temporarily though.
