View Full Version : Please read!!!

06-17-2002, 12:38 PM
Hey all. A few squad leaders, myself included got a very nasty, totally rude and vulgar letter from a Stalker from the Solid Assaulters. I just wanted you all to know that this squad doesn't need to be playing the game. If you all get a message or challenge from any of them...just know that you've been warned. Here's a mild form of the letter...

Hey F******, This is Stalker Coming at you....You Guys are all D***less homosexuals that spend all day at the computer...U guys are f***ing nerds get a life there right next to the strap on's


so what can be done about this???

06-17-2002, 04:28 PM
hey scatha, welcome back!

hope gma is well

answer= ignore (but you already knew that didn't ya) :)

06-19-2002, 12:06 PM
I agree with Anthony... Just ingnore Stalker and his squad, and they will just fade away! ;)

06-19-2002, 01:14 PM
Hey all...(thanks for the welcome:)) I jsut got this from the real Stalker...seems we have a fraud on our hands, so I wanted to make peace...

Hello, You may not know me but there seems to be a mishap between =AN= & the SA Squad. See this is the real Stalker. But before you delete this Just hear the real story.

A while back SA Recruited a guy named Sanity. He seemed very nice and well skilled. Well after about a month on the squad he decides to really hack into my other E-mail account and decides to send Scatha=AN= a nasty E-mail with cuss words and all of what not. But that was not me and I dont know how he was able to get into my account and send Scatha an E-mail. I give my deepest reguards to Scatha and will you please tell her I am deeply sorry for all that is going on. I just dont know why a boy or a guy would have the heart to do that really. But this Sanity character was trying to Impersonate me on SA's squad forums and he sent that dirty E-mail to Scatha which was not really me. I am a christian in real life and You will never catch me saying anything that was in that E-mail. But I am terribly terribly sorry for this miss under standing. If you could forgive and believe me I would really appricate it a lot. What is really bad is I cant even get my own members to believe me. But I am sorry and I would appricate it if you would forward this to Scatha because she migth have blocked me. Thanks


ps.) I have changed my name becuase of the horribly repuation has gotten.