03-02-2004, 04:12 AM
Bringing DF2 into the 21st century is no longer a dream. It is fast becoming a reality. kacha=ftw= is doing a magnificent job in converting Delta Force 2 into an expansion pack for Black Hawk Down. Many of you old timers will remember a map from DF2 called High Desert. Well how would you like to see it using the BHD graphics engine but using original DF2 objects and Buildings etc. This is going to be simply awesome and to wet your appetites you can view some screenshots and get a little more info at www.dfmax.com

Cheers and enjoy folks.

03-02-2004, 05:10 PM
hum thought terranova-exp.com done this for dfbhd i know i reconized a few df2 trn's in the bhdexp project i worked on also there was a few df2 items but again the indo house was in c4 also . sand lake was a df2 trn i know bhdexp has allready but right on

03-02-2004, 06:02 PM
At the inception of this I spoke to Major Headache and Crack from TerraNova hoping that they would get onboard with this as like you I saw the Indo House in the TerraNova EXP. As kacha=ftw= was still trying to get his head around inserting the DF2 objects I thought TerraNova might have been able to help seeing as they had converted the Indo House. It turned out though that the Indo House had actually been included in Comanche 4 so they were able to get it that way. At that stage they did not think it was actually possible to convert the Df2 buildings etc. TerraNova were unfortunately too busy with other projects to get on board so kacha=ftw= figured out by himself how to convert the DF2 objects. Perhaps some guys from the likes of TerraNova are helping him on the quiet though but I cannot verify this. As for the DF2 terrains in the TerraNova EXP I cannot say I noticed any DF2 ones but I cannot be 100% certain on that so you may well be right. However kacha is doing an admirable job to say the least. I cannot wait to get my hands on this EXP. If it includes all the DF2 objects/buildings etc then its going to rock.