View Full Version : punt---> Coop?

02-16-2004, 09:51 AM
can me who help!
a few player become automatically Punt! Why?
if I hoste, some players can play well, and others become after a few seconds punted!

Sorry for my english! lol

02-17-2004, 02:03 PM
ok i will try to help what bhd coop ???


dose everyone have the same version of bhd ???

when they are punted do they try to rejoin your server and still get punted ??? { i have herd the auto punt sometime's happen's , sometime it may take a few time's to rejoin then no problem }

we need a little more info on who made the coop map thx

02-17-2004, 06:55 PM
i load from dfbarracks!
I host co op, with SM (newAnaconda)., i have TeamSabre inst., and some players receive after some time PUNt,PUNT......... !

02-18-2004, 07:34 PM
to be honest i havent used any of the patche's for bhd coop i found this on conda's site

Posted by conda on 15.02. at 19:37
An update to Anaconda Server Manager and Remote Manager is now available. This update addresses the issues and bugs listed below. Please follow the install insructions in the readme.txt file for proper setup of this new version.

Additions and Updates:

* Game version checking when attaching to servers
* Option to terminate only attached games on exit (for multiple instances of SM)
* Allow multiple instances of Server Manager via the /i command line switch
* Changed the Running Servers list columns to include Game and Mod
* Host name override no longer requires the last player slot
* Load/Save buttons on the main page are now enabled
* Load/Save buttons on the map tab are now enabled
* Enabled all options when hosting

Bug Fixes:

* COOP and KOTH support now works properly - Includes end of game stats
* Fixed maps reloading during an attach
* Fixed remote activitly logging error
* Customized weapons now works for BHD, BHDTS, and TERRANOVA

Downlaod it from
www.condascode.com (http://)

this was posted 4 days ago on his web site

02-18-2004, 09:45 PM
i have the new Server Manager :(

02-19-2004, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by lobbi
i have the new Server Manager :( buddy honestly i would if i where you email conda about your problem . he is quite the nice person and will help you with your problem you have useing his program :dance: