View Full Version : COLD-----Real Temperatures

01-28-2004, 06:49 PM
cold enough yet??? Here's the real story... Real Temperatures


Vancouverites try to turn on the heat.

Calgarians plant gardens.


Flordia shiver's uncontrollably.

Calgarians sunbathe.


Italian cars won¹t start.

calgarians drive with windows down.

Anthony puts on his 5th layer of clothes
Distilled water freezes.
calgary¹s water gets thicker.


Torontonians wear coats gloves and tuques.

calgarians throw on a T-shirt.


Dallas begins to evacuate.

Edmontonians go swimming. Calgarians aren’t that stupid


Toronto landlords finally turn up the heat.

Calgarians have the last cookout before it gets cold.

The Gulf Coast turns into a winter wonder land


People in L.A. cease to exist.

Edmontonians lick flagpoles. See they are nuts up there


Torontonian’s declare a state of emergency, and call in the Army.

Edmontonians fly to Arizona.

Calgarians throw on a jacket.


The Atlantic Seaboard disintegrates.

Edmontonians rent some videos.

Calgarians go to work.


Mt. St. Helen¹s freezes.

Edmonton’s girl scouts begin selling cookies door to door. I guess something to eat while their watching video’s


Alcohol freezes.

Newfies get frustrated when they can¹t thaw the beer keg.

Polar bears begin to evacuate arctic.

Calgarians postpone "Winter Survival" classes until it gets cold enough.


Santa Claus abandons the North Pole.

Calgarians pull down their ear flaps.


Only microbial life survives on dairy products.

Alberta cows complain of farmers with cold hands.

All molecular motion ceases.

Calgarians start saying "Cold enough for ya?"


Hell freezes over.

Toronto Maple Leafs & Edmonton Oilers play for the Stanley Cup

Hell freezes over. Twice

and Carolina Panthers beats New England in the Super Bowl

01-28-2004, 06:52 PM
Just to le you know .......i'm freezin up here , on the way to work this morning it was a baummy - 51 C so dont complain!!!

01-29-2004, 11:47 AM
Last week, it was summer compare to you Hutch,
it got up to a beautiful -40 Cel w/o the windshield factor.
