View Full Version : C4 help with icebox mission

12-30-2003, 09:39 PM
Can someone please help walk me through this difficult mission? I can't seem to get past way point 2 without the idiot ai rescue chopper getting shot down!! I also do not understand why nova logic did not design this or set up this mission so you could issue a command to the rescue bird to stay put while griffion 2-6 & 2-7 take out the threats before rescue 1 attempts a rescue of the down pilots, but I guess makes that to much sense and is to realistic. So if someone who has solution please respond and thanks

12-31-2003, 04:04 AM
Hopefully some one can offer a solution, since I haven't played in a while I can't give you the answer but I'm willing to play the map and see what I can come up with for you.

It's true that it's not as realistic as we would hope for but thats just how games are made. I do know that the missions are designed for the player to be constanly on the go and constantly targeting and shooting down the enemy. As NovaLogic puts it "...when you design maps, you don't want the players coming away wondering why it was to easy to beat!" LOL

01-01-2004, 07:33 PM
I load mostly stingers and maybe a couple of hellfires. I hit the minus key to zoom the radar all the way so that I can see the enemy from far away. I then set out towards wp2. Not wp1 because if you go near the rescue chopper, it starts its mission and will get shot down. As you go towards wp2, you will hear the guy say "Where are you going...get back on track!" - just ignore him. You will eventually see enemy (red) on your radar, stop/hover, try to lock onto them, move in closer slowly if you need to, and shoot them from a distance. Cannons from a distance usually work pretty good. Try to get as many of those nasty Geckos as you can from a distance. Those couple of hellfires that you have may help get Geckos that are protected by trees/hills. Be careful not to get too close; if you do, they will shoot at you too much and you will take damage. If you get a lot of damage, you could go back to the first farp to refuel (but don't get to close to the rescue chopper or else he will see you and start his mission). After I get a pretty good number of those Geckos, I then go in close to the snowmobiles and enemy soldiers and kill them with guns/stingers (the rescue chopper may have started its mission by now but that's OK). Head towards the second farp, shoot all the enemy choppers with stingers, refuel at the second farp. At the end of the mission, you need to go towards wp5 (you can hit the F9 key to cycle waypoint directions) in order to kill a bunch of enemy choppers with your stingers. Hope this helps.

01-06-2004, 05:27 PM
After reading your post finally i pass this [CENSORED] mission, thanks from Spain

01-07-2004, 12:52 AM
I can relate to your frustration on the mission aavvaallooss but please try not to use inproper laugage.:cool:

01-07-2004, 12:23 PM
Who are you? Pope Johannes Paulus II? What word is inproper?

01-07-2004, 02:05 PM
Charger is a Moderator in this forum. If you have used language that he deems improper - then it is improper.

Any other questions ?

01-07-2004, 02:30 PM
what about "freedom of expresion"???

01-07-2004, 02:54 PM
I'm all for "freedom of expression" ( the word you typed was fu*ked ), but we have guidelines and try to follow them as much as possible. I wasn't tring to offend you by removing the word since, in most cases, we just remove the entire post. I hope we're not going to make an issue out of a word - so please, be a little mature. If you haven't read "Forum Rules & Code Of Etiquette", I have re-posted it below for you.

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01-08-2004, 04:28 PM

That word is generally considered vulgar - whether you find it so or not.

I don't really care what you want to say, but there are other forums to debate 'freedom on speech' issue and use that kind of language. This is a Comanche 4 forum. When you feel like discussing Comanche 4, feel free to U2U me for your new password.

Until then... take care.

01-09-2004, 02:10 AM
Yup, you don't mess with Texas or bluetiereign:baddevil:

[Edited on 1-9-2004 by JJG43]