View Full Version : Disabling enemy's farps in TDM

sitting duck*
12-21-2003, 09:18 AM
Hi all

I had an idea!:stupid2:
What about building some TDM maps with farps that could be disabled???
That would make TDM games much more interesting...

I thought of building fuel reservoirs next to the farps which would disable the farp if destroyed by the enemy team!
That would bring some purpose other than just killing the enemy to those games.
We could just leave some "regular" farps and make all the farps located inside the team's bases dinamic.
The game would be much more reallistic???

Write back please!

PS: Sorry for my english...

12-21-2003, 12:07 PM
sounds interesting, I like maps with suprises hehe


sitting duck*
12-21-2003, 03:28 PM
I also had an idea for a new tool, TDM leveling tool.
This is how it would work:
After a team game, the tool would set the members which would sit on each team so that in the next round the two teams would be leveled. I would have to be disabled for squadron games but for the regular players it would be cool i think.

Reply please!

12-21-2003, 04:47 PM
AS for disabling enemy farps, the map has a default load out. Even if there is no farps when the player respawns at the base they will still spawn with weapons. The only time a player needs to farp at the base is during a base rape. If you want to disable the farps placed between the bases that may work. I have been working on some mutliplayer maps for the last few weeks. Death match maps with AI scoring and team maps with a assault or attack and distroy theme. When the bugs are worked out the mappes will be availible for any one that wants them.

sitting duck*
12-21-2003, 05:47 PM
Well, i hadn't really thought about that problem... And then again, that was why i posted, to find out porblems with the idea i had...

I'd really like to destroy the base farps first. if the mid farps are destroyed we have to go back anf forward and that's not fun at all. Dont u guys know a way to make the players respawn without weapons in those farps? That would be supercool

What about the team leveling tool? Any ideas?

Thanks for posting replies :waving.gif:

12-21-2003, 09:16 PM
I don't know of a way to have players spawn with out at least some type of load out. Go in to some detail of what you want to acomplish in the game play. Mabe theres some thing else that would give you what your looking for. As for a leveling tool. Setting the server so players can't choose colors gives you some controle over even sides as players load in. That setting will make players the other color to even sides. But you could still have 3 red and 4 blue so to speak or 3 red and no blue if the red players stay in the server and blue leaves. I know thats not what your looking for, But it's as close as you can get rite now. You may want to look at a 4x team map also. That would give you a bit of controle over the first 4 players coming in. You would have red team, blue team, yellow team and violet team.