View Full Version : God Bless to ALL

12-19-2003, 09:32 AM
Merry Christmas, Happy Hannuka, etc. Our family extends to you all a heartfelt right hand of fellowship and an outpouring of love in this greatest of seasons. We understand there are those with opposing views and to you we will offer the same. WE ARE STILL GODS CREATION. This makes us family, dysfunctional, but family all the same.

God Bless, Peace I give unto you!!!!!

[Edited on 12-19-2003 by sgtcbl]

12-19-2003, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by sgtcbl
.........Peace I give unto you!!!!!
I wish Nicole would extend the offer of "piece and happiness" to me. :P

12-19-2003, 07:08 PM

12-19-2003, 09:00 PM
Rot, I would have to say that she would be welcome under my tree anyday. Now my wife thinks different but that is to be expected. Thanks for warming up this cold nite in Indiana. LOL