View Full Version : #1:The next Comanche 4 utility.->Winning votes: Server Swapper
Inso «Ð*§*§»
12-10-2003, 10:18 AM
What utility would you like to see us release next for comanche 4? Release date for the winning utility will be 12/19/03
Mission/Waypoint editor- Allows map creators to correctly name all the waypoints in there custom maps. And allows the mission name to appear in the top right of the HUD as it does on stock maps.
Server configuration Editor - This editor will let you create configuration files for hosting, allowing you to setup server options and then save/load the configuration at any time(IE: repeated configurations for squad matches and tourneys) The configuration changes can take place either at load time or at map cycle, so you can change your server configuration on the fly without the need to kick eveyone out while you reset!
Random Weapons - This utility will have two modes, "Random" and "Manual" Manual mode will allow you to change the weapon/targeting configuration at a map cycle without resetting. Random mode will automatically change the weapon/targeting at each map cycle choosing from a list of preset loadouts, forcing your players to stay on there toe's and mix it up a little.
Server Swapper - This little utility was an after thought and used alot by me testing AE. The server swapper will let you swap server modes dedicated/host-n-play on the fly at a map cycle. This is a must have for the single PC C4 hosters. Set up a dedicated server on your way out the door in the morning, and when you get home and its full and your ready to play dont kick everyone out so you can reset and join, they never all come back!! Fire up this bad boy and it will let you swap server modes at a map cycle.
[Edited on 12-18-2003 by Inso «Ð*§*§»]
12-10-2003, 11:13 AM
I vote server swapper, there are alot of serve and play games.
12-10-2003, 12:02 PM
The server swapper would be nice
I vote for the server configuration editor as it would make it alot easier setting up matches. And you wouldn't have to take the server down just to do it.
12-10-2003, 09:55 PM
Unless you cast your vote at the top of the page through the poll it will not be counted. A post, though thoroughly welcome, will not be counted.
Thanks everybody for your participation.
And thank you Inso for... well ... for whatever it is you do besides sleep. ;)
12-11-2003, 01:25 AM
LOL thanks blue I didn't even see that:1drink.gif:
Inso «Ð*§*§»
12-11-2003, 04:09 AM
Hi, I was asked a question about the waypoint editor and thought the answer needed to be here. The mission/waypoint editor in its current state is only to name the mission(for MP ingame hud display) and to name the waypoints in a MP DM/TDM custom map as displayed in game. Meaning it will only allow you to name MP waypoints and Team Base waypoints. This was not intended for setting up movment paths for coops and single plyr missions. If there is something someone would like done to make the task if that easier let us know.
12-11-2003, 09:17 AM
In the mission name/hud display - the only way ive been able to get it to display is to hex a bin file for the game, but if I am playing multiplayer, unless that bin file is in my c4 dirrectory I don't see it. Is there some other way to let the multiplay players see the name in the hud ? (other that sending everyone in the world the bin file ?)
12-11-2003, 09:27 AM
oops , forgot - I voted for the server config utility - I was hoping that maybe there were some server options that only you knew about (hehe) that you could enable on a utility. these would be nice if they can be done:
ae hook (automatically run ae on/off)
text scroller (server rules/name/www)
text filter/punter (for cursing)
ping filter (set range - punt too high/low
better logger for ban/punt and all of the above plus events that saves to running log (instead of the one built in)
- just some ideas you probably already thought of lol
Inso «Ð*§*§»
12-11-2003, 09:28 AM
Exactly what the mission/waypoint editor does. Creates a bin file output based on the Mission name and waypoint names input by the user. Far as I know you need to have the bin file your game directory along with the map your hosting, but do not belive (like the maps) that every player is required to have the bin file just the server. You also need to have a /d on the end of your shortcut to the exe so resource files are read from the root.
edited to include:
aehook -- yes I have thought about building AE into the server configuration. Actually some time in the future I will be grouping most of the utilities into single apps. But to start out with it is easier to code and test releases of single task apps(also allows ppl to only run what they want too) this way we can see the long term effects of each on the game before releaseing one or two multi function apps. If one of these ends up bogging down the server you wouldnt want to have to run just because it was built into something else right? Was my thought anyways. But yes in the future these most of the utilites will be combined with others to build better and more complete server managers.
The text scroller is possiable and easily done. Is already on the list of future utilites.
Text filter, wil think about this one. Difficult to be done correctly, (ie: can tell the diff between as* and grass)but might be do able.
The ping filter might work out ok if it only checked on entry, as I think you already realize when you get a CI your ping is infinite, so picture everyone in a CI getting punted, lol not good. Also seeing the side effects to those that are new.
Better loggers, you want too know when someone is flying 8h? Or are you refering to just a better ban and punt log? I did do a exteded Ban and punt log that is built into the remote server control that will be done in the coming months.
All ideas are a great start, Wiper! Thanks for your input, yours were all great. Best thing to do from here is work those ideas into ways that will benefit everyone as best they can. The idea is the start!! Thanks
[Edited on 12-11-2003 by Inso «Ð*§*§»]
12-11-2003, 12:08 PM
I dont know about the event logger, just thought a better logger would give better debugging, and also after the fact banning or whatever, it it logged banned text or something. maybe it could even scan for player input. for example, if 3 or more players input the string "ban griffon3" , it would autopunt them, so server admin didnt have to be on. then server admin could later see this in log (am i creating enough work for you ? lol)
(I got most these ideas from the way battlefield handles some of this stuff, by the way)
I don't know how the game handles the pings, but I guess maybe a possible part of server config screen would be for the server to ping the players every (N) minutes, on entry, beginning of each game, or never
also, I thought maybe someday there could be a utility for players to pick their player preference for the 4 color maps on the fly.
as always, should you be caught or captured, we will disavow any knowledge of you and your imf team. good luck jim, er, i mean inso
12-13-2003, 11:00 PM
Oh, just thought of another server config option that might be nice - I wonder if its possible to change the weapon loadout on the fly without crashing the game ? You know, so the server could just change to guns only or something.
Inso «Ð*§*§»
12-13-2003, 11:11 PM
Server configuration Editor - This editor will let you create configuration files for hosting, allowing you to setup server options and then save/load the configuration at any time(IE: repeated configurations for squad matches and tourneys) The configuration changes can take place either at load time or at map cycle, so you can change your server configuration on the fly without the need to kick eveyone out while you reset!
Random Weapons - This utility will have two modes, "Random" and "Manual" Manual mode will allow you to change the weapon/targeting configuration at a map cycle without resetting. Random mode will automatically change the weapon/targeting at each map cycle choosing from a list of preset loadouts, forcing your players to stay on there toe's and mix it up a little.
[Edited on 12-14-2003 by Inso «Ð*§*§»]
12-14-2003, 02:01 AM
a map manager would be helpful for servers
12-14-2003, 10:01 AM
Server configuration editor
That would be nice, the bad thing about the new 20 version is that it does not keep the configurations saved:(
Setting up a remote server is a pain, you got everithing configured and click the start button and you forgot to set it up as a team deathmatch :((( and you gotta do it all over again, the time, players, serve.....
Merci et à bientôt :))
[Edited on 12-15-2003 by unoyt]
12-14-2003, 11:22 AM
Good Morning Inso,
The Swap server utility would be great. As an Idea, I don't know if it would be do-able but another thing that would have been nice to have on several occasions is remote server control. I've left dedicated server up for matches and SON practice countless times. The problem is that those using the server do not have the ability to re-set it or do anything else with it. Just a thought.
Thanks again for AE.
Inso «Ð*§*§»
12-14-2003, 12:17 PM
Yes agreed a remote server control is a great idea, and has already been under development for some time. It will be released in the near future.
[Edited on 12-14-2003 by Inso «Ð*§*§»]
12-15-2003, 06:56 PM
we've been getting more than a few nut jobs in various servers last couple weeks. I've been looking around for a simple ip banning proggie, but most of em are full fledged firewalls (which are a pain, if not impossible to set up on a remote connection). I found more than a couple bhd ip banners, and I was wondering how hard it would be to fix them to work with comanche 4 (In my vacuous ignorance, I am assuming that the same crappy programmers reused a large portion of the same crappy code)
?? any possibilities there ?
Inso «Ð*§*§»
12-18-2003, 02:12 AM
Will have it ready and posted by late Friday night.
[Edited on 12-18-2003 by Inso «Ð*§*§»]
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