View Full Version : For those that purchased the "Armed Forces" w/C4

Inso «Ð*§*§»
12-03-2003, 01:26 AM
FYI... If you purchased the "Armed Forces" box set including Comanche 4 then DO NOT run the update. If you do you will need to reinstall the game. The AP set released with C4 ver20 and the update will downgrade that install to ver15 and will not run with your CD. For some "heheh" reason the update does not check to see what version it is overwriting.

Yes this is clear as day to most! But new buyers arnt up to speed, so chill out!

12-04-2003, 01:36 PM
Does that go for the ver20 that is sold now. Do u need the update for it. Thanks

Inso «Ð*§*§»
12-04-2003, 02:24 PM
If you install the Ver20 and run the update it will fail. The ver20 does NOT require any updates after install at this time.